The Labratory

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Sophie couldn't breathe. There was a very good reason for the sign stating: GAS MASKS NEEDED; a purple cloud was inhabiting the room and, unfortunately, her lungs.

Coraline forced a plastic mask on her head before placing one on her own. Pulling her toward a metal cylinder around which men in white lab coats were clustered, she unlocked the door and forced her in.

Nodding to the men, she pointed to a few things on a screen before smiling and briskly walking out of the room.

Sophie started to panic. Would she be locked in there forever?

The sides of the tube were metal, though the front was bulletproof glass so she could see the lab. Crazed scientists ran back and forth, pouring mysterious liquids together and tentatively dipping their finger in each one.

She squinted her eyes and looked at the large bolted door on the other side of the room. If only she could just break the glass and walk over there, free.

Suddenly, the cylinder opened and she gasped. Was she freed? Just like that?

But, unfortunately for her, that was not the case. A tall man with black hair and large red glasses walked up to her, holding a mask to his face. He stepped inside the tube with her and the door closed, crushing her hopes.

The whir of a machine filled her ears as the man took of his mask and oxygen filtered into the tiny container. He stared into her eyes, taking small notes on a notepad in his hand.

She cautiously took off her mask and asked,

"Where am I?"

He promptly ignored her and proceeded to examine her face.


Giving her a look of disdain, he opened his mouth and projected in a clipped, rushed manner,

"You are in ze lab."

Well, that didn't help much.

He squeezed her cheeks so hard it hurt before pulling at her earlobes and looking in her ears. Now satisfied, he looked straight at her eyes and rubbed his chin, deep in thought.

"Zat vill be all."

She nodded uncertainly and watched as he signaled to one of the scientists to open the glass and stepped out. Dashing to a computer, he inputted whatever interesting notes he had about her earwax.

The door slid closed and she watched the men in coats, now alone. Sophie pressed her face to the glass and tried to spot whatever he was typing on the computer, but it was hopeless.

Sinking to the floor, she put her head in her hands. What was she going to do?


Half an hour had passed and Sophie was bored out of her mind. There wasn't anything else to do besides watch, and whenever she played patty-cake on the now smudged glass the scientists gave her dirty looks.

She was about to lie down for a snooze when sudden commotion piqued her interest. Looking up, Sophie discovered that Coraline was back and more bitter than ever.

She stalked over to the row of computers and looked over the notes while scientists watched nervously.

Once she finished, she looked up with small, angry eyes. Muffled shouts emanated from her large mouth while the labcoat-dudes winced.

One spoke up and her features softened. Motioning for him to continue, she listened while he relayed what may have been a solution to her problem.

Smiling, Coraline nodded thoughtfully and winked at the man.

She then turned and casually walked out of the room while Sophie looked on with wide brown eyes. What had she just witnessed?

Waving the thoughts away, she lay down once more for a nap. And this time, nothing interrupted her.


Short but hopefully sweet :)

Before you exit to library, let me just say this:

I am personally very proud of this book, though my last few chapters may not be my best. I'm astonished and extremely giddy at the sight of 138 followers, steadily climbing each week.

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