Sweete Treat

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Martek ran to the mancave, rushing to a concealed door covered with black paint and a drawing of a heart. His brain flooded with memories of Cara.

"The antidote wasn't supposed to wear off this soon!" he muttered, fumbling for the key to the door. Finally scratching his finger against a sharp red key, he yanked it out and unlocked the heart-shaped padlock.

Opening the door, a small bottle with the words DRINK ME etched into its side was gleaming at the front of the cabinet. Grabbing it, Martek heaved a huge sigh and thought once more of Cara before downing the whole bottle.


Everything was fuzzy. A bright light burned into his pupils, swallowing him whole. His brain was pulsing, beating out the same beat as his heart. Memories flashed through his head - meeting Sophie for the first time, then back to when Cara was born, then forward to capturing Lana - but it was weird, almost as if the memories weren't his.

Martek sunk on one knee and screamed a strangled scream of agony. It always hurt. But he had to do it.

The liquid burned like fire inside of him. He could feel himself morphing, his frame growing smaller and thinner, hair beginning to sprout from his head. The once small and black eyes disappeared and were replaced by beautiful green ones. His skin grew softer and smelled like that of a baby's. Scratched nails cleaned themselves and were soon covered with pink polish.

Martek, now completely transformed, turned to the mirror hanging on the entrance to the mancave. Smiling sweetly, he winked and whispered,"Hello, Cara."


Sophie ran and ran, running from something stronger than Martek and stronger than the knife he used to murder his daughter. Stronger than the beer her first foster father drank all the time. And even stronger than fear.


She loved Martek. He was the closest thing to a father she'd ever had. But for all she knew, Cara had felt the same way about him. And look where that got her.

Sophie tried not to think of Lana - sweet, caring Lana - and sprinted to where she had come from, the arena. She felt horrible about leaving her alone in the house with that monster, but couldn't help it. If she stayed there, Sophie knew she'd either end up dead or as the monster's daughter.

Stopping in front of a large black building, she read the faded green sign on the outside.


"No earthlings allowed," Sophie wondered. "Then how did I get in there in the first place?"

She turned around and went into the rarely used hardware store across the street. Paying in sweetores, she bought three cans of paint - orange, blue, and purple.

Sophie ran outside and behind the hardware store so no one could see. Dipping three fingers in the gooey orange paint, she wiped it across her face and neck. Soon her chest and above was completely covered in the goo.

Next she peeled off the gown and underclothes and simply dumped the bucket over her head, careful not to spill too much. While waiting for it to dry, Sophie dipped one clean finger in the purple and drew hearts on her chest.

Fifteen minutes later, she was a carrot with tattoos. Finally, to finish off the look, she scooped up about a cup of blue paint and dyed her hair a soft azure. She stood, legs apart, covered in paint and completely naked behind the hardware store, muffling a giggle at the odd situation she found herself in.

Once the paint had dried she picked up her clothes and put them back on, trying not to chip the paint. For the next few moments she paced back and forth, thinking up what her name should be.

"Farthingale Endurale? Too fantastical. Jane Joe? Too boring. Larenda Vijustilot?"

She paused, thinking.


So "Larenda" walked over to the sign and up the chipping black stairs. Taking a deep breath, she opened the door with a flourish. Immediately it closed again, and she frowned. Opening it again, she quickly stepped inside and it shut behind her, producing a rush of air.

"Name." called out a bored male voice.

"Larenda Vijustilot."

"Ring number."

"Um, seven?"

"Bringing in Larenda Vijustilot for Ring Seven."

An unseen door opened in front of her and she was in the audience. A mechanical dummy grabbed her arm, making her jump, and tugged to the right. Walking between the rows of bone thrones, Sophie tried to find her family but it was no use. Only annoyed monsters surrounded her, beasts trying to watch the gruesome smack-down on the stage and angry at the young girl blocking their view.

"Miss Larenda, where is your pardoom." said the robot in a monotone voice.

"Oh, um, Darby? She's....sick, so I'm forced to fight without her."

He nodded and Sophie felt a surge of relief. The futuristic dummy led her through a few doors and they finally arrived at her destination.

"Ring Seven. Good luck and remember, the sicklies are made sweet by King Sweete," he recited. Sophie nodded, confused and he turned around to head back toward the entrance.

Facing the stage, she looked on curiously as a battle engaged. There was a small but agile woman in the right corner nearest to her, with a white cloud surrounding her, bubblegum-pink hair, and matching skin. Pink spikes lined her skin and she wasn't wearing any clothes.

Eww. She looks like Katy Perry.

Moving her eyes to the top left corner, she scanned the large form up and down. It was a huge yellow mound of skin and eyeballs, ranging from brown to blue to green. The skin looked reptilian and on the top circle that Sophie supposed was its head, there was one large red eye. The monster was enveloped in a brown mist that she could smell all the way from the back of the theatre.

What's his symbol? Garbage?

Glancing back at Katy Perry, Sophie watched closely as the nimble woman zigzagged to the large mass, making his eyes go back and forth. After dancing on two of her four feet, she finished the box step with an escalated twirl, landing on his head.

He fell to the ground, and a strong male voice declared Katy the winner. She grinned evilly and danced, dazzling Sophie and causing the monsters to wave her off with boos and cheers.

But the question was, who was next?

"Larenda Vijustilot and The Seven."

Sophie's eyes widened. Wait a second. Weren't The Seven the guys Martek was announced with?

Meekly making her way onstage, she crept to the back of the stage and waited for her partner. Who were The Seven? And what did they have to do with Martek?

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