Lock and Key

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This is dedicated to alydia21. Thanks for voting! <3

This chapter is also dedicated to my friend, HOPE. HAHAHHAHAHA. Why aren't you laughing? What? You don't understand? You'll get it in a moment...

When Sophie came to, the air was musty and reeked of mold. A metallic clanking sound reached her eardrums and she groaned, rolling over on the vile dirt floor.

Something small and brown scurried past her and she shrieked. It froze before continuing to scamper toward a small hole in the stone wall. She curiously watched it slip away, bringing her aching self to her feet.

"Sophie," a boy's voice whispered. He seemed to be right next to her, and she looked around warily.

"W-who's there?" she asked, attempting to conceal the fear in her tone.

"It's me. Lochlan."

The name turned over in her mind and she tried to make sense of it. Lochlan... The name sounded vaguely familiar, yet she couldn't discover why.


"Sophie, look to your right."

Biting her lip, she debated the risks. It couldn't hurt to look. After all, this boy wasn't Medusa. Hopefully not, anyway.

Sophie cautiously tilted her head to the side and caught sight of glimmering green and brown eyes. He looked at her with such an intensity it sent a shiver down her spine.

"Who are you?"

The boy's mouth opened slightly before clamping shut, a curious look on his face. Realization dawned upon his delicate features and he leaned in, his brown mop of hair falling in front of his eyes.

"You don't remember," he remarked softly. Sophie backed away from his jail cell, glad the metal bars separated them.

"You didn't answer my question," she pressed firmly.

"We're... Old friends. Sophie, you really don't remember anything? Anything at all?"

She tried to think back to before her waking and was greeted by a severe pounding in her head. Sophie winced and looked at him, unsure of what to do.

"Where am I? Who am I? Why am I here?" she asked desperately. Her brown eyes had a spark of insanity.

"You're Sophia, Sophia Sweete! You're the Princess! C'mon, Sophie, please remember!" he pleaded, a tear latching onto the cold bars. She backed away into the very corner of her cell.

"You're my only hope, Sophie. Please."

She fell to her knees and felt as if there were flames erupting her brain. Everything was fuzzy... There was a tall black man, a sweet little girl, lightning, thunder, screams...

"W-w," she sobbed, choking out the words. "Why-"

Everything suddenly came back in a torrent of memory. Her vision was crystal clear, originating from the day she'd been born. She went into overload and knocked herself out with the effort of recovering herself.

The last thing she heard was his soothing voice, chanting a miserable "Please."



Agony burned through his very soul, tormenting his thoughts. Everything he did coursed with agony. His heart pumped swiftly, choking out clean blood to help his body function.

And with every pump he felt agony.

A warm red liquid trickled into his line of vision and he squeezed his eyes shut, knowing all too well what it was. His pale hands began to turn paler, losing blood fast. His lips retained a slight blueish tint.

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