Playing the Part

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Sophie sat on the soft bed, imagining her future life as a Princess. She'd wear a pink tiara and rainbow gowns. She'd wear satin and gold slippers, ribbons in her hair, and dainty jewelry.

She'd go to balls, and court princes, and never wear a dress twice. She'd have earrings that went down to her shoulders, glittery with fine gems. She'd dine with fine men and fine royals, daintily eating salads and soups.

She'd have every technological wonder at her fingertips, just a touch away. She'd have all the lipsticks; all the flavors, all the colors. She'd have a different nail color every day, she'd never ever paint her own nails, and she'd learn to ride royal horses.

She'd live the dream.

Sophie sighed and let herself fall on her back, caught in the smothering sheets. Her head rested on the swan feather pillow, and her hair was strewn around it.

She wanted this. Didn't she? Of course she did! After all, who wouldn't want to be a princess?

Groaning and putting her hands over her eyes, Sophie kicked her feet up in the air. It was just so confusing! Did she want to live in a castle or go home to an emotional sister and a small house?

Plus, here she had a friend. There she definitely didn't.

Lochlan. What happened to him? Sitting up, her heartbeat began to race.

What happened to him.

She thought back, back to when she left him in the middle of the park. All alone. He was probably now back in his shack, cursing her and her family.

Sophie jumped off the bed. That was it! He'd be at his house! All she needed to do was remember where it was and she could explain EVERYTHING.

He was probably so confused right now. He thought he had a friend in her. He thought she was different.

A pang hit deep down and Sophie's knees buckled. She couldn't go see him, not like this. And she was pretty sure that if she tried to leave, well...

They'd have to find a new princess after Jadico was done with her.

Throwing her hands in the air, she screamed. Everything was so hot and blurred. Her life was just a big play, and she, lucky her, had to play the part of a princess.

Would she? Was it worth it?


Lochlan sat on the chipped wooden floor, twiddling his thumbs. He wondered where Sophie was and what she was doing.

Not that he cared.

After all, she left him and never came back. He had thought that maybe, just maybe, he'd finally found a true friend.

He was wrong.

Sophie was long gone, probably dancing with a prince at a fancy ball after befriending the King. She was twirling in golden slippers, smiling and looking romantically at her lover.

And she never thought of him, not once.

She never thought of him, all alone, left to fend for himself. Left to tend to a broken heart.

The anger in him slowly grew, rising like a tidal wave. It was all her fault. It was her fault he cried and cried and sank to the floor instead of finding a meal, causing him to starve while the snow locked him in.

It was her fault he was left with only a threadbare blanket after she took all the wool outside for a picnic cloth and never brought it back.

It was her fault he was shielding himself from the flurry after she broke the window by accidentally throwing one of the sharper pick up sticks.

It was all her fault. And he decided she needed to pay.


Sorry! I just really quickly wanted to apologize for having a gazillion transitions. I pinky swear I won't for the next chapter. Anyways, onward and forward!


Sophie sat at the long table, picking at her nails and looking awkwardly around at her new family.

"So! Um, will I interact with the townspeople as Princess Sophie?"

King Sweete put his spoon in his soup.

"That's to be decided. Would you like to change your name?"

"I'm good."

"Alright then."


"So, Miss Sophie, where did you come from?" asked the King, at a weak attempt to make conversation.

"Oh, you know, a place. Like, near. Not too far, at least I don't think. Actually, I don't really know."

He shifted uncomfortably in his seat.

"So... Sickly Sweet? Agenes? You are from our planet, aren't you, Miss Sophie?"

"Well, I'm not really sure."

He leaned forward, eyes clouded.

"I need a straight answer."

She gulped. Her stomach was swirling, and Sophie could tell that all the eyes and ears were tuning in to her.

"Well.... Um, I'm-"

"Sophia! Tell me now. Are you from our planet or not?"

She laughed, trying to ease the tension. "Um, sir, well... Of course I am! Do you think I would be from Earth or something?"

He nodded, a suspicious look lingering.

"Alright. Whatever you say."

She sat back in her seat, avoiding the smirk of Queen Coraline. Jumping to her feet and pushing in her chair, she produced a fake smile.

"Well, this has been fun. I'm just gonna go, um, polish my.... Teeth! Yup, gotta go polish my teeth. Bye now!"

Sprinting back to her bedchamber before the King could say,"You are not finished here," she shut the door with a bang and leaned against it. Letting out a sigh, she inwardly cursed herself.

Her big mouth had almost gotten her discovered! Sophie couldn't imagine what they'd do to her if they knew she was an earthling.

Putting her hand on her forehead, her vision was suddenly tainted with spots.

"Oh... I don't... Feel... So.... Good...."

Her small figure swayed back and forth, and Sophie struggled to stay conscious.


Falling to the floor, she hit the ground hard. Moaning, she tried to get back to her feet.

Then everything went black.

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