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Sophie opened her chestnut-brown eyes and fluttered her lashes. Her surroundings were strikingly familiar, yet she felt a strong sense of loss. For a mere moment she was in bliss as she struggled to break through this sheet of calm encasing her mind. Then it all came rushing back to her.





Her eyes welled with glassy tears and she studied her pale, doll-like hands, fighting the waves of pain that threatened to overpower her. A swell of reassurance rose in her chest. Lochlan's spirit was probably reuniting with his mother at that very moment, so overcome with joy that the identity of his murderer slipped his mind. And that's when it hit her.

She had murdered her best friend.

Sophie threw herself back onto the bed, mashing her face into the satin pillows laying there in order to muffle her cries of pain. The tears streamed down her face, spilling into her mouth like a salty river. Sophie's hands pulled at her sleek blonde hair, yanking it again and again until soft strands littered the bed. Her feet entertwined and raised themselves into the air, driving her face even further into the pillow.

Eventually, the tears ran out and she sat up in bed, using a pillow to clear away any remaining moisture. Still sniffling audibly, Sophie shook with grief as she recalled Lochlan's last moments.

He had been so driven, so determined to murder her in order to gain entry to the golden gates. And yes, Lochlan did make it there after all... Just not in the way he had thought he would.

Wallowing in her misery, Sophie rocked back and forth with her feet extended from the bed. She resembled a madwoman, her dirty-blonde hair hung in frizzed tendrils around her face, her red bloodshot eyes staring straight ahead, her pale, shaking hands grasping at the hem of her hospital gown.

Frowning, Sophie paused in her mesmeric rocking and yanked off the gown. Now she sat naked on the bed, shivering not from the cold but distress. Shriveling into a ball like a wilting rose, Sophie placed her head between her knees and struggled for breath.


Short. Depressing. Just what I needed to finish off this book. I'm sorry to those who enjoyed it, but you never showed it anyway. It bored and pained me to write even this much. I just needed something else, instead of leaving it at the stupid cliff-hanger. I'm thinking of deleting the book.

Personal News: I have been hit hard by a wave of depression. For all I know, I could be dead by next week - by my own hand. I'm sinking and sinking and everyone else is surrounding me, studying me and maybe calling out but not daring to risk their worthless lives by sticking a hand into the mud.

Fuck all of them. I just want it to be over.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2015 ⏰

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