The Reason

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Sophie darted through the chain of prisons, Lochlan behind her. Together they avoided puddles and mold and tried to block out the sound of dying prisoners calling for help.

Lochlan quickly caught up to her and slipped his pale hand into her own. Sophie poured on the speed and dragged him along as shouts from the guard behind them filled her ears. The dismal scenery flew by and they were lost in time, sprinting into infinity. Sophie felt a sharp pain in her leg and bit her lip, fighting through the pain.

","Lochlan panted from behind her. Their hands fell apart and Sophie watched as he slipped behind her. Then he stopped running altogether and became part of the shadows.

"Lochlan! No!" she shouted desperately as the guard emitted a sound of muffled delight. She kept running, fear holding her heart in an iron grip. A single tear slid down her cheek as she heard a scream from his direction and a profound thud. Poor Lochlan... she'd already lost him. He would be hung in a few hours and she would be alone once again.

"Sophie!" came a cry from behind her. Sophie turned and Lochlan was there, holding a spear with blood dripping from the sharp tip.

"I killed him. The guard... he's dead, and we are safe now. Come on."

His stony features glowed dimly in the sunlight coming from a barred window. It was the face of a murderer. Sophie stepped back, her heart thumping in her ears.

"I know you're scared, but it was him or me. It had to be done," he explained. She shook her head.

"He had a home. A family even, maybe a wife awaiting his return. He was as stuck here as we are, forced to take the job to feed his children. And because of you..."

Sophie looked at him reproachingly, shame in her eyes.

"Violence is never the answer," she whispered. Then she turned and ran, his pleas and explanations fading away as she sprinted into the darkness. He was alone now, left to ponder his decision and form an apology. While he did that, she would run. Out of the castle. Out of this town.

She would run all the way home.

Or so she thought. Coming to a stop at the grimy stone wall in front of her, she looked helplessly at her surroundings. A bent silver fork on the floor, an empty cell to her right, a wall to her left and another one in front of her. The walls seemed to close in and Sophie suddenly felt claustrophobic. She heard footsteps behind her and reluctantly turned to face Lochlan.

His features were no longer stony and regret was reflected in those beautiful hazel eyes.

"See? You need my help. There is no use in trying to navigate this jail on our own. I saw a small passageway back there, and a golden light at the end. I may have found an exit, but I will only leave if you come with me." he said.

Sophie thought for a moment before dubiously nodding her head 'yes.'

"Oh, alright. But... could you try not to murder anyone?" she asked jokingly.

He winked at her. "I'll do my best."

They trekked back where they had come, stopping at a small doorway that smelled of fresh air. Sophie grinned excitedly and boldly grabbed Lochlan's hand, setting of into the unknown.

"Now, can you please tell me why you came to the castle in the first place?" she asked.

Lochlan nodded and told about meeting Maude and coming to the castle to collect nectar to heal him. Sophie shook her head in amazement.

"So you risked your life for a stranger you know nothing about? That's pretty stupid. But also... kinda admirable," she admitted, a blush seeping into her freckled cheeks. Lochlan opened his mouth to make a witty reply when they realized they had reached the end of the passage. There was a miniature wooden door and a magical-seeming light that lay beyond it.

"This is it," said Lochlan. He reached out a shaking hand and opened the door to reveal....


Maybe I'll end it here... Yeah, that'd be fun. Get some suspense going, make a little cliffie.... Naw, I won't do that to ya :)

.... A cheering crowd and a circle of dirt that lay with the stands draping around it. There were large signs with names in an odd language and huge white oak trees that surrounded the crowd.

"Whoa," Sophie breathed, drinking it all in. The audience turned their attention to the wooden door and a cheer erupted as they noticed two stunned figures. A repetitive cheer bounced through the open air.

"Fight, fight, fight, fight, fight," they roared. A deep voice filled the auditorium.

"Laaaadies and gentlemen, welcome to... The Daily Dogfight! Brought to you by Cheezy-Weezy, double the size and double the fun!"

Lochlan and Sophie turned to each other, confused looks on their faces.

"Today's Dogfight is going to involve..."

The cheering crowd silence as they waited for the voice to continue. Sophie leaned forward, curiosity prickling her senses.

"Sophia Sweete and Lochlan Meronius!"

"That's my mom's last name," Lochlan muttered dejectedly. Sophie looked at him with wide eyes. Dogfight?

Realization dawned on him as he mirrored her fearful expression. Were they supposed to fight to the death right here, right now, in front of this crowd?

"I think I preferred prison," Sophie mumbled.

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