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Palm Sunday

Christian Anthony's POV:

Today is the beginning of the Holy Week, the most important holidays of the church today...where the passion, death and resurrection of our Lord is being commemorated...

But I got this strange feeling...as if something will happen...extraordinary? Bizarre? Threatening? Can't tell. Perhaps this would something to do with Imee...jeez! She always makes me worry when she fainted!

Anyway, today a special high mass would be celebrated in our church, for the Archbishop Tiroda will preside it. Rumors said that he will says something important here today.

The church is jam-packed when we arrived with Catherine and Imee...

"Woaaah...it's already full!" Catherine comments about the situation. "In all of the times that I visited here, this is the first time I saw all church pews filled up!"

"Really? Everytime the nuns brought me here in the church, based from my strong sense of hearing...ehehehe...they will just fill more than half of the capacity." Imee tell about her side. "Perhaps the archbishop's appearance might be the reason why the church's so full."

Shortly, the mass began. It was a long procession towards the altar...as devotees waving palm branches unto them, seven bishops and scores of priests march forward...and among them is Archbishop Tiroda...he glances unto us and give us a smile.

The gospel for Palm Sunday was the entire story of the Lord...from His final entrance in the Holy City until His death on the cross...I wonder how the archbishop will deal with this...

"Dear brothers and sisters, we have arrived once again...to one of the most important events of Christianity...the mysteries of the passion, death and resurrection of our Lord...and from those mysteries, the Lord had initiated the liturgy at will forever commemorates these mysteries...the Liturgy of the Eucharist. We always proclaim these mysteries in every body and blood of Christ being consecrated until He comes again, just as He promised...and signs have already foretell His Second Coming...including in this place..."

When Archbishop Tiroda starts to focus his direction about what happened here...the very first miracle that Imee has done, I felt uneasiness. What if the archbishop rejects that miracle....that the miracle is fabricated? A fake? More people will start calling Imee a witch...even other priests! I prayed...and prayed...Lord, please don't let Imee suffer again...from the harsh words of Your children! Please tell me that You did that Eucharistic Miracle on purpose!

"Two months ago, there was a miracle happened in this very church during the first communion of the children. They reported that the consecrated host glows and mysteriously transformed into a tissue of a human flesh...as it shed drops of blood into the consecrated wine. From the findings that our brethren has collected, the miracle is allegedly contributed by Ms. Imee Therese Villaflor, a cathecist living in this same church...they reported that as the miracle is undergoing, Ms. Villaflor glowed as well as she prays...one even described it 'as bright as the sun' but doesn't harm their own visions."

As Archbishop continues his summarization, I looked on Imee. With her blind eyes, she stares blankly...as she prepares herself...perhaps for the worst.

"I was able to talked to Ms. Villaflor...and I am amazed by the way she deals with me...she explicitly demonstrated her deep faith to God...she didn't claim any responsibility and credits God for the miracle. She accepts what will our findings will turn out...as long as that the miracle will make devotees believe in God again. Ms. Villaflor doesn't think about fame that it will bring to her...she thinks about the church...she love the church so much that she prayed that God use her as an instrument to bring the people back on His arms...that's why she glowed along with the Eucharist...she is simply an intercessor...the Servant of God."

Archbishop Tiroda concludes with this words: "As the result of this investigation from the church and the scientists, the transformed specimen of the consecrated host...has proven that it is indeed a human flesh...to be exact, a part of a human heart. Two months after it is transformed, the transformed specimens remains uncorrupted. Therefore, I confirm that this supernatural phenomenon of transforming a simple unleavened bread into a living human tissue as an Eucharistic Miracle, and therefore worthy of belief."

As applause fills the atmosphere, Father Jean, concelebrating the mass with the Archbishop, exhibits a monstrance...that contains the consecrated host into a human tissue...much to the amazement of the devotees.

Imee Therese's POV:

Everybody starts to clap...and cheer around me. I really don't understand why...

"Congrats, Ate Imee!" Then, one random devotee greeted me.

"Huh? Ehehehe...why did you say so, madam? I didn't do anything today."

"What are you talking about? Archbishop Tiroda just confirmed the miracle that you did two months ago! Congrats!"

Everybody then starts to flock around me...congratulating me...and asking me for prayers.

"Ate Imee, you're so cool!" Another random devotee commended me. "Please...pray for me. I will take an exam tomorrow and the questions are so difficult!"

"Hehehe! Sure! But you should still reviewing your lessons, don't let yourself be lazy, okay?"

"Yes, mam!"

And everybody else follows...

"Please pray for my mother...she's so sick..."

"Please pray for me...I will taking board exams in a month."

"Pray for my friend...ehehehe...she will confess her love to his boyfriend. I trust in you, okay?"

As I continue to accept their prayer intentions, I smiled brightly. Finally, my mission is beginning to bore fruit...finally, people is starting to trust me...finally, God has given me a new purpose in life, to be the intercessor of my people...

Christian Anthony's POV:

It took a half-hour before everybody has able to say their intentions to Imee, so she could pray for them. Don't worry, she's smart...so she will do something that will make it easier. Hehehe!

"Mam...sir..." I looked behind me and saw a little boy offering a branch of palm for both of us.

"Oh! Thank you, kid." I accepted it and pats the boy's head...then I turned to Imee. "Hey, Imee. Somebody gives us a palm branch just...for...both of us...huh?"

Imee didn't reply...she just stares blankly just like earlier...and then, she spoke something...as if it was a prophecy...

"I should be prepared...for I will share the passion of my Master..."

"Huh? What are you saying?"

"Woah! Ehehehe! It's nothing...just nothing." Imee giggles and shoves it off. "Let's should start helping me in praying for everybody, okay?"

"Yes, Imee."

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