Moving On

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Trinity Sunday

Imee Therese's POV:

I could see in his eyes...the painful memories that he had...

"Don't worry, Father. Tells us what you hide inside." I motivated Father Jean to speak up. "Just like you said to us, nothing will gonna judge you, not even God. Speaking out your mind makes you a better person, right?"

Father Jean takes a deep sigh and smiles bitterly at us...

"Thank you...thank you for understanding me..."

And that's when he confesses his fall from grace...

Father Jean's POV: (30 years ago)

Christmas season is fast approaching...and I was thinking...what gift should I give to her. That's why I seek advice to one of my trusty friends that I know...

"Umm...Juliana, do you know what is the best gift that I can give to my crush?"

"Woah! Cru-crush?!?!" My friend flirts at me. "Tell me first, who's the girl who do you crush on?"

"'s Claire."

"Re-really?!?! Kyaaa!!!! You know what? I could whisper you one of the best gifts you could give to her...but in exchange, I will tell this to our classmates. Is that a deal?"

"Umm...does this will make Claire embarrassed and pressured if all of our classmates learn about this?" I worriedly asked Juliana.

"Well, I guess it won't. Come on, it will not sting a bit."

I gave in to Juliana's offer...she suggested me to buy the cutest teddy bear in a popular department store. I trusted her that nothing will be harmed in her part but...

"Hey, Jean! You have a crush on Claire?!?! Ayeee!!!!"

"I guess there's a new love team in our class, huh?"

"I hope both of you will become a couple someday."

As fast as wildfires, the news about me courting Claire has became the word of the mouth for most of my classmates. I can feel Claire so embarrassed and pressured on me!

"Claire! I'm so sorry! It's my fault that our classmates know all of this!" I'm so worried that I apologize to her so many times. "But I didn't meant to do this! I'm just wanting to give you something before we take a vacation this Christmas."

"No, it's alright." Claire faintly smiles while doing some homework. "I don't mind it at all."

I was hoping that accepting my apology would assure me that nothing for her to be pressured of. the time goes by, Claire starts to inches away from me. At first, I would have reasoned because of her busy work schedule, but one night, she asked me...

"Jean, I heard that you're giving something for me. shouldn't have a responsibility to buy one. Thanks for the idea but no thanks."

"Sure, for now." I quickly replied. "But I might change my mind...and milady, it's not about's a commitment."

"Huh? What are you talking about?" Claire refutes back at me. "Alright, you can buy if you want. But do I have a responsibility to accept that? I just said thanks for the idea."

That hit me very hard. All this time, Claire didn't move on from the embarrassment that I accidentally did to my classmates. And the worst part is that...she really...really rejected me...

End of Flashback

Imee Therese's POV:

"For a month, I sobbed privately...mourning the loss of my one and only crush." Father Jean finishes his story. "After a few months, I discovered my calling...and that's when I decided to become a priest."

I looked on his eyes...and I see in it...that there's no more tears and regret hiding from his heart.

"I know that you've prayed for me, Imee." He then notices me and smiles. "Thank you. Thank you for helping me to get through this painful memory."

"My pleasure, Father." I smiled back at him. "Don't be sad. God has given you a chance to love again. You may have not won the love of your crush, but by becoming a priest, you have won the love of loving us...and our people."

Everybody is looking towards Father Jean, smiling. This proves my word...the he has won our hearts...not because of turning his back from loving a girl by being a priest...but because of being true to himself...that makes him a great person...

"Thank you...thank you so much for believing to me." Father Jean is grateful with our support. "And for that, I will give you my blessing..."

We bowed our heads and let him do the rest...

"May the Lord bless you and keep you. Amen.

May the Lord make His face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you. Amen.

May the Lord look upon you with kindness, and give you peace. Amen.

And may the blessing of almighty God, the Father, and the Son, + and the Holy Spirit, descend upon you and remain with you forever. Amen."

After being recovered from his slight fever, Anthony accompanied Father Jean back into his office...leaving me with Evangeline and Catherine.

"So, Imee, what makes you to like Anthony?" Catherine flirts out on me. "I know that you're a Servant of God, but...I just wanna know how do you fall in love with somebody. I don't think saints like you have married to somebody, right?"

"Hehehe! Not all of saints are unmarried...and I'm not a saint! Hehehe!" As my face blushes, I replied and giggled. " do I describe Anthony? the first place, I wanted to help him to regain his faith and hope to the Lord after doing something that he didn't intended to the time goes the miracles came over through me...I'm starting to understand...that he's helping everything I need to do. I am contented on whoever I am...I am disabled...I can't move my arms and legs...and I can't breathe on my own...but Anthony...he became my arms and legs...he became my life...he fills in the holes and do the things that I cannot...he helped me fulfill my mission to God...he protected me...he took care of me...he loved me. I don't care whether he'll be cute or long as he is my guardian angel sent by God...then, I won't be asking for more..."

"Wow, Imee. I wish I have that same that same contentment as you." Catherine replies in awe.

"Yeah...and I wish I had a boy who loves selflessly as Anthony." Evangeline added.

"Don't worry, guys. You should always pray to God to give you whatever you need...and don't get too hasty, okay?" I make an advice and winked at them. "They will come when you least expected...perhaps when all gets lost...that wishes of yours might be the things that will make you ever closer to Him!"

Evangeline and Catherine giggles at my reply. At that moment, I think to myself...saints should not be living alone...they should have a companion, helping to fulfill the mandate that the Good Lord has given to them. Wait! What am I talking about? I'm not a saint! I'm just doing what He is wanted me to do!

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