Laxmila-Sawan Badho

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  It was raining heavily outside. Lakshman looked at his sleeping brother. After the kidnapping of Sita Bhabi he had not seen Bhaiyya sleeping properly. Maybe after the friendship gained with Sugreeva and Hanuman it seems he had relaxed a bit. With hopes of finding bhabi alive after a long time his bhaiyya has fallen into a sleep. Lakshman took guard. As he looked the rain unknowingly his memories travelled backwards.

" Arya what a place is this. I really have to take permission from Mata Sumitra to enjoy the rain"Urmila was still a new bride when Ayodhya had unexpected rains. And the moment rains came, the only thing she wanted was go out and enjoy just the way she did in Mithila" Urmi raghuvanshi has certain decorums. Women cannot go out just like that without permission, that too you are a DIL. What will Pithasri think" told LakshmanUrmila nodded her head in agreement,then dragged him to the window. The putting her head against his shoulder she began to chatter " Arya you know, when we were kids and were visiting Guru Yajyavalkya's ashram, on our way back if it rains we all used to stand and dance. Then you know as we grow up whenever it rained Sita didi used to drag all of us to the royal garden and we used to get drenched. Arya do you know I love the fragrance emerging from the earth when the first rain falls"Lakshman held his bride close " Urmi if it was in my control I would have taken you out and allowed you to enjoy the rain"Cut to present a smile spread on Lakshman's lips. Urmila. Unknowingly it was her memories that gave him the strength to do his duty. It was like she was with him like a shadow. Her giggles ringing in his ears as if she was talking to him.Urmila was standing in the rain drenched. This year the rains have been heavy and the river Sarayu had breached her banks. Urmila had come to the rescue operations to provide medicines with her sisters Mandavi and Kirti. Her sisters were inside the tent administering the medicines, while she was standing outside managing people movement, medicine movement and efficiently managing the entire medical camp. Bharat and Shatrugna was involved in getting temporary shelters build for the affected people. As the movement of people reduced, for a moment Urmila stood still. The rains she wanted to enjoy, the rains which she was never able to enjoy from the time she came to Ayodhya. Today she was in the rain, drenched top to bottom. But why was she not feeling the joy. Why the rains were only adding to her pain of 13 years. She looked up and a tear rolled down her cheek. Then a gentle breeze flew across her face taking her pallu and she felt him. It was as if her tear had reached him and he had embraced her, asking her to be strong. Urmila smiled and looked at the next chariot which was coming with additional supplies of medicines and rushed to give orders so that it can be send to proper tents.

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