Laxmila- Colours of Seasons

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  Urmila was in her room. She looked at the still half finished picture. She has titled it Seasons. The painting was her way of expressing her moods, her thoughts once Lakshman had left for Vanvass. She didn't paint continuously. She will use the color that defined the mood that day. Sometimes the beautiful memories overwhelmed her and she painted the canvass with rich colors of green, yellow, pink and red just like the flowers that bloom in the spring. And whenever Urmila splashed those rich colors as if her mood was known to Lakshman even in extreme winter Lakshman was in high spirits. He could do his duty in a jovial mood. He teased both his Bhaiyya and Bhabi and didn't hesitate to pester his bhabi with request for food. He also managed to get the best of vegetables even in winter somehow. It was as if Urmila's energy was passed on to him.

Then there were those days when Urmila felt the heat of separation was too much to bear. Days where she felt she wont last another day. Just like the rays of sun blazing through summer she painted the canvass with bright orange and gold. It was like her pain of separation was trying to find solace in the vigorous strokes of the painting brush. And interestingly whenever Urmila was in this mood someone will cross Soumtri's path the wrong way. And well that person can bear the brunt of Lakshman's anger. It was on one those days Shurpanakha had come to Panchavati and Lakshman had cut her nose and ears.

Then there were times Urmila oscillated between being happy and being sad. She simply didn't know what she was feeling. Just like the autumn that has both the shades of new flowers coming and old flowers fading Urmila suffered mood swings. And at that time she painted the canvass with blue. To calm her mind, to bring it to normal and the blue eventually managed to do it. And just like she oscillated between her feelings Lakshman too faced emotional turmoil. It had happened when Lakshman was forced to go leaving Sita. But still he was able to manage Ram from utter despair. It had happened when Lakshman had gone with warning to Sugreeva but was calmed down by Tara. It was like the peace Urmila attained, made Lakshman come through the emotional turmoil also.Then was the last feeling. 

A feeling of hopelessness, a feeling of everything lost.It was winter. Cold winter which she felt was seeping into her heart Urmila had felt only twice like that in the entire period of separation. And she had painted the canvass with ash, grey and white. First time it happened Lakshman was hit with Nagastra. Second time it happened Lakshman was hit with Brahmastra. And today was the third time. The feeling of hopelessness has not gone from her even after knowing her husband has survived. She knew he was going to fight the battle of his life. The coldness she felt was nubbing her hand. Urmila took the brush dipped in the color. Battle was going to start between Lakshman and Indrajith. Urmila started painting. Battle started in Lanka. Urmila's brushes made vigorous strokes. Lakshman's arrows cut through Indrajith. Urmila continued to paint. Lakshman continued to fight. Finally Lakshman's arrow took Indrajith's life and Urmila stopped painting and looked at the canvass. Yes she was feeling numb, but she had decided this time this feeling wont over power her and she had dipped her brush in green and as she painted the winter has melted and the colors of springs splashed through the canvass and her mind. And when she put down the brush she knew he had won. Spring is back, winter has gone. Now her canvass will only have the colors of spring

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