Night of Togetherness

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Urmila sat in front of the mirror. It has been 14 years since she has sat like this. She looked at herself. Maa Sumitra has sent to her special silks and jewellery. Add to that Sita didi had come and gave her freshly tied gajra which didi herself had done.

Mandavi lighted the lamps in her room. For 14 years she had stayed alone in the room. She never used to put lights once she entered the room. The loneliness and darkness had become part of her life. But not today. Today she wanted ever nook and corner of her room well lit. She had done all the duties of a DIL of Ayodhya. Taking care of mothers, taking care of Urmila and Kirti, supporting Shatrughna in his work. Now she wanted to be a wife. Just a wife for her husband. She didn't wanted to take charge, she preferred to just support her Sita didi.

Kirti was being happy. She knew finally she will have her husband with her and he will be at peace with himself after 14 years. For once she will be able to see her husband without the worry of whether his one decision was right or wrong. She went about arranging the room, checking her sringaar in the mirror and unknowingly a tune floated in her lips.

Sita looked around. After 14 years she was in her princely dress, no she was no longer a princess but a queen. The room was same, but was she the same. Sita knew the answer. She was not. That girl who had walked out with Ram 14 years back was long gone. Now she looked the world with a different eyes." Sitae" she turned as she heard the all familiar voice. She saw him standing at the door. She walked towards him smiling. " Dasrath Nandan Why have you stopped" she asked" I was checking whether you were asleep, if you are then I didn't wanted to disturb you as you will be very tired Sitae " he kept his hand on her shoulders" Dasrathnandan how can Sita sleep today. After months, after so many trials she is going to have her beloved with her" she kept her head on his chest. Ram smiled at her and slowly guided her towards their bed

Mandavi turned as she heard the footsteps in her room. Before Bharath knew what was happening Mandavi was in his arms hugging him tight and crying profusely" Kaikeyinandan I cannot stay away from you another second. I have lived counting days to see you back in this room, with me "Bharath hugged her back " Mandavi I know I have been unfair to you. I have made you wait for long. But Mandavi I never had any intention to hurt you. I love you very much and I am always thankful to you for supporting my decision of not wanting the throne"Mandavi was not listening anything. She was just holding onto him. Bharath too started hugging her closely, intimately

Urmila smiled as she felt his arms on the shoulder. She got up and looked at him. Lakshman was once again admiring her. She tried to move away mischievously. But he held her and pulled her close. He started caressing her face, slowly taking down her ornaments. Her natt, then her earrings, her chain. She turned and he moved closer to her holding her by waist and undoing her waist chain." Sumitra nandan " Urmila whispered, " Urmila, my Mila" he took her in his arms and placed her on the bed. She got up and he restrained her with his one arm and taking her maang tikka with other. Urmila turned and looked deep into his eyes as he pulled her towards him in a tight embrace.

Kirti was already in bed when Shatrughna came. " Kirti what happened. You are ready to sleep " he asked" Yes Sumitranandan today I want to sleep, sleep like mad. For 14 years I am a sleep deprived girl. I was just waiting for you to come"" Yes Kirti same with me. I also wanted to sleep. Simply sleep and not wake up early tomorrow. Ram Bhaiyya is there "They smiled at each other.

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