Urmila Talking to Sarayu

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  Urmila stood in the banks of Sarayu. It was night. A half moon was seen. She had come alone from the palace. Her sisters had protested. But she didn't listen. She didn't wanted to listen to anyone. All through her life she had listened. But today, today she wanted to be heard. There was no one in palace who will listen to her, to whom she could share her pain. Hence she ran from the palace, ran like mad and stood in front of Sarayu.

Tears were flowing from her eyes. Her soul had died. She couldn't believe what had happened. Ram Bhaiyya have sacrificed his brother, her swami.Her Swami who had walked with Ram Bhaiyya like his shadow sacrificing all personal sacrifices. Her Swami who had sacrificed 14 years of his sleep for Ram Bhaiyya . Her Swami who had fought a war for Ram Bhaiyya. Her Swami on whom Ram Bhaiyya forced the despicable deed of telling Sita didi the truth of her banishment which also he had done for Ram Bhaiyya. That Ram Bhaiyya has banished him.Urmila sank in the steps of Sarayu wailing loudly " Tell me Sarayu what wrong my Swami do to get this punishment. Tell me Sarayu why the reeti, neeti and maryada of Kul has only given pain to its woman. My sister Sita didi was the purest woman I had ever known. This kul reeti, neeti banished her forcing her to take her own life. Shanta didi have lived the life of a hermit because this kul needed a boy. Mata Kausalya and Mata Sumitra had to let go of their sons to 14 year Vanvas because of the reeti, neeti of this kul. Mandavi didi lived alone in the palace for 14 years because Bharath Jijashree wanted to follow the foot steps of his brother. Father, brother, kul ki neeti, reeti, maryada when will this Kul's men listen to one's wife, mother, sister. When will the tears stop. Today my Swami broke the promise to me, for protecting the reeti, neeti maryada of this kul. He choose death without thinking about his ardhangnini. He left me in this palace once again. Tell me Sarayu when will the tears stop for the woman of this kul. Tell me Sarayu is it water flowing in you or the tears of woman of Ayodhya enriches you. For your survival you need our tears. Tell me Sarayu. Do you want more tears. How much more tears you will take , how much more. She broke down on the banks, crying desperately as Mandavi and Kirti came towards Sarayu

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