Vishnu Gowri-Dear Sister

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Vishnu was lost in thoughts in Vaikunth. Lakshmi looked at her husband who was thinking about something for long time. Now Lakshmi was losing patience

" Hey Narayan, I am seeing you lost in thoughts for sometime. What are you thinking"" Lakshmi time is coming for me to take the next incarnation on earth. I am thinking about the same"" Yes Narayan, I know that and this time also I will be coming to support you in the establishment of dharma"" Lakshmi that is my thought itself. When I incarnated as Ram, you came as Sita and played the most pivotal role not only in establishing dharma, but also set the standards of husband-wife relation to people. This time I want to establish the maryada of another relation if you will allow me "Lakshmi smiled. Didn't she knew her Narayan. So he wanted to give importance to someone else other than her in his incarnation as Krishna."Narayan why are you playing hide and seek. I understand this time Rukmini is not going to be the centre of Krishna's mission, but who is the lucky one who is going to play the most important part in Krishna's life"" Lakshmi for that I guess we will have to go to Kailash and get the permission. Shall we go"" Narayan, so sister Gowri has complained that in Ram avatar she didn't get her place, so is it her who is going to accompany you everywhere in Krishna avatar" Vishnu smiledGowri was with her family. Both Karthikeya and Ganesh had started their fight and questioning Mahadev while she prepared food.It was then Vishnu and Lakshmi entered " Pranam Narayan " greeted Mahadev" Pranam Mahadev" told Narayan. Both Karthikeya and Ganesh took Vishnu and Lakshmi's blessings. Gowri came out seeing her brother" Narayan why here suddenly " asked Mahadev" Mahadev I came here to take your permission"" Take my permission for what "" Mahadev you know the time for my incarnation as Krishna on earth is approaching. Adharma has increased many fold in this world. So in this incarnation I want my sister Gowri to come along me with as Maya. She will be my protection in this avatar in every step. She will be the medium through which I will do the Leela's and establish dharma on the earth. Through the relation of Krishna and Vishnumaya I want to highlight to the world the importance of brother-sister relation. A sister's contribution in a man's life. Hence came to take your permission"" Narayan your sister is just waiting for your request. Do you think she will sit here quiet if I deny permission" Gowri smiled looking at her husband who knew her very wellNarayan turned to Gowri " Gowri will you accompany me on this earthly incarnation as my kid sister and support me as Vishnumaya in my leelas"" Narayan I am blessed to take this role in your earthly incarnation" told Gowri and Lakshmi smiled at her. Yes more than Sridevi, Maya is going to be prominent in Krishna avatar

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