"You slayed my heart, how dare you"

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This is vmin with slight jikook. Bc I'm weak for both ships. 😂 I'm sorry this isn't jikook, I've always wanted to write a vmin ff 💕

vote if you liked it 😃

[Edited- as of march 2021 up to chap 14 so yeah if you are an old reader I did change a few of my words ]

Chapter One

"You slayed my heart, how dare you"

Jimin was excited to surprise his boyfriend. Months of planning a unique birthday surprise for him. He took out his phone counting the minutes before Jungkook would barge in their shared apartment. He was excited but nervous at the same time. Will Jungkook like him? His clothes? The bed with rose petals in it? The candles around the bed? Will he like Jimin's cat ears?

Jimin wanted to squeal in anticipation when he heard the door click. It must be Jungkook! Jimin hurried and sat down at the edge of the bed pulling his pink skirt down to cover his thighs. He was a bit conservative despite wearing such revealing attire. He was a virgin but as much as he wanted to keep it he was ready to give it to the love of his life. Jimin's aware that Jungkook wanted to have sex with him, they'd been together for seven months now. Jimin pressed his lips impatiently as he waited for his boyfriend to enter the room.

Jimin closed his eyes when he heard the door being pushed open, he fluttered his eyes open sweetly so his boyfriend would find him extra adorable but instead he was shocked. Like being struck by lighting. Jimin didn't understand and neither did Jungkook.

"Oh fuck."

The only words that echoed inside the room crowded with three people. What the fuck.

"S-seokjin hyung?" Jimin breathed out uncertainly, feeling his heart rate faster. He felt betrayed. His eyes trailed down to their messed up clothes then to their face, breathing heavy, eyes hooded, lips glossy and swollen. Fuck. Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck.

"Jimin--babe. I thought you were away?" Jungkook said carefully,  stepping forward so Jimin would look at him instead.

"I...didn't leave. It was just a cover-up, I wanted to surprise you." Jimin started closing his tiny fingers into a fist in his lap. Jimin could barely breathe, he wanted to die at his spot. He looked utterly ridiculous, and Jungkook finally noticed, looking at Jimin from his head to his sinful legs.

"Jim-fuck." Jungkook cursed forcing himself not to push Jimin on the bed but he forgot, he didn't love Jimin.

"Jungkookie, I think it's time for you to crack the joke," Seokjin said grabbing Jungkook's arm that removed him from his fantasy of letting jimin ride him.

Jimin didn't understand, 'joke?'

Jungkook took a deep breath, "Jimin, you were just a dare. I was drunk and I sort of fucked up. I lost a bet and my punishment was...making you... er...fall in love with me so I could fuck you. To be completely honest with you, I didn't think you'd take me seriously."

"I don't understand Jungkook." By this time Jimin was already crying.

"For fuck's sake, it wasn't real Jimin. Get over it! Jungkook played you that's all now scram!" Seokjin yelled glaring at Jimin.  Jimin couldn't speak nor could he think properly, his throat went dry.

"Seokjin hyung, why don't we leave instead? Little kitten here has some cleaning to do." Jungkook laughed referring to the rose petals scattered over the bed and candles. Jungkook was feeling guilty, but there's no sugar coating. He used Jimin but Jimin was so difficult, he was such a prick he couldn't even fuck him.

"Fine." Seokjin marched out of the room but not forgetting to shot Jimin a glare. Jimin then looked at Jungkook with hope.

"Jimin, I'm sorry. You just wouldn't give me your virginity and now it's too late. I lost. And Let's face it baby, you're way too nice for me. Too innocent." Jungkook said meekly tilting his head with a pout. "But you look cute by the way, I almost wanted to stay but unfortunately my real boyfriend is a bit impatient," Jungkook smirked before walking out the door.

Jimin felt his world crash like he could literally hear it crash. 'This isn't real', he knows he's in denial but he didn't care. He slapped himself twice, blinking hard and hoping that he'd wake up. He was just a dare for seven months.

Suddenly Jungkook appeared again and hope rushed up to Jimin's face.


Jungkook apologized and Jimin quickly smiled about to stand up when Jungkook spoke again.

"I forgot my Jacket."

Jungkook then proceeded to take a jacket from their closet and walked out without a second thought. Jimin's mouth fell open, he was just used and humiliated. He ripped the cat ears off his head and tore the maid costume he asked from Hoseok. He wanted to scream and get mad. Like throw things or break them.

"Fuck you Jungkook!" He screamed opening their closet and took out all of Jungkook's underwear. He sorted it out, he took the black ones and stuffed them inside his bag, as a souvenir. He was going to leave. 'Oh what do I do with the others?' He saw a scissor in the study table and started to cut holes in the front of Jungkook's multicolored briefs. "Too nice huh?"

"Now, what else?" He took some of Jungkook's white tshirts that Jimin bought last month, about ten of it then cut holes in the armpit. 'You fucker! You deserve this!' He shouted in his thoughts but he was unaware of the tears that had spilled from his eyes.

Jimin thought Jungkook was serious, thought he was the one. Because it was difficult to find a decent guy, he was gay and it's so difficult to find real love.

"How dare you use me! I hate you I hate you I haaaaate you!" He yelled while sobbing. This isn't fair, all he did was be honest and loving. He didn't deserve this!

He took all his clothes and shoved them in a suitcase, Jungkook's suitcase. Since he was half-naked he decided to wear Jungkook's hoodie, some sentimental value shit. And wore ripped jeans. Before he left the room he caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror. He looked like utter shit. No wonder Jungkook didn't take him seriously.

But who was he to complain, before Jungkook he was no one.


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