"Unsaid words"

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There's no vmin in this chapter.  I noticed some of you sympathize with Jungkook but others hate his character in this story so I came up with the jikook special chap. (Don't get me wrong I had planned this beforehand. Tell me what you guys think okay?) 
Jikook shippers, do enjoy :) or not lol jk. Sue me for being a jikook trash

I love Namjoon a lot but unfortunately, someone needs to play the bad guy. :'(


Chapter Fifteen

"Unsaid words"


Namjoon laughed mockingly at the younger whose face had gone pale. "So Jungkookie where's my new motorbike?" He had a wide smug grin as he looked at Jungkook. 

Jungkook's eyes twitched in anger, "It's just chess you can't be serious!"

Namjoon snorted, "A deal is a deal. As a man, you have to keep your words. You were such a brat betting your motorbike anyway. But your loss and I won so give me the keys." The elder laid his hand out, palms open and waiting for his prize. 

"But hyung! That was given to me by my Dad it costs a dime!" He tried to reason as he stood up causing the chessboard to topple over. 

Namjoon clicked his tongue, "Okay. Let's change the prize then." Jungkook waited and his eyes widen as the older male continued, "Give me Seokjin instead."

At the exact moment, his boyfriend barged in, "Jungkookie so did you win?" The elder asked gleefully as he strode to cling unto the younger's arm. "I want to go shopping now! You have to buy me the expensive---"

Jungkook rose his hand up shutting Jin's demands. He sternly looked at Namjoon. "I'm not giving both. Think of other deals, I promise this time I'll comply." He looked at Namjoon straight in the eye, the other hummed as he considered the younger's words.

Namjoon finally let out a disappointed sigh before pointing at the door, signaling them to follow him. After walking out of the door Namjoon rested his back against the wall while the other two stayed silent and confused. 

"Okay so here's the new deal. Jimin will be out at 4 so you better get a good look at him."

Jungkook's eyebrows furrowed, Jimin? Park Jimin? That was the first name that had crossed his mind. Jimin was a shy and timid boy whom he had noticed since he was still fourteen. They were classmates since middle school, Jungkook noticed because how could he not. 

Although the boy was good-looking he was always bullied because of his sexuality. The boy was outed by his friends. It was awful to watch but Jungkook didn't do anything. He just watched, and he was sorry it was all he could do. Even up to now, all he did was watch and he's hoping Namjoon meant a different person whose name is Jimin. 

His hopes died when a particular pink-haired fluff appeared, he had a small smile as he hummed to the song from his earphones. They watch as Jimin walk past them, Namjoon breaking the silence. 

"Park Jimin. That was him, you got a good look? He has some fine ass right?" Namjoon chuckled and Jungkook found it a bit appalling. They bully Jimin when in reality they've probably fucked him countless in their heads. 

He heard Jin snort, "So what about him?"

"You get to fuck him. I'm giving you seven months if you failed within the time allotted then say goodbye to your precious motorbike." Namjoon smirked as if he knew he would lose. 

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