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Chapter Five


"If I fall and die I'm going to hunt you and drag your ass to hell." Jimin said grudgingly as he took another nervous and cautious step forward.

"That's really sweet honey." Taehyung said sarcastically.

Jimin's legs were trembling as a sudden whirl of wind passed his legs. "Whose idea was this again? Why the fuck are we in the middle of a hanging bridge?!" He yelled out in frustration as he steadied himself with the ropes.

"You said you wanted to go and have fun!" Taehyung reasoned, he was walking behind a fuming Jimin.

"This is everything but fun! Do I look amused to you!?" Jimin turned his head to angrily stare at Taehyung.

"No, you look furious."

"Exactly!" Jimin cried out.

Taehyung sighed as he looked forward to the end of the bridge. "Calm your panties baby we're almost there anyway."

"We're halfway there!" Jimin complained, he wasn't a fan of heights, and to be very honest he was terrified to look down.

"Must I do everything?" Taehyung sighed once more before picking up Jimin and throwing him at his shoulder. It caused the bridge to sway a bit which gradually increased Jimin's fear.

"Aaaah! Tae you idiot we're gonna die!" Jimin screamed as he gripped Taehyung's back shirt to keep his sanity intact. He also closed his eyes shut. He didn't dare try to peek until Taehyung told him to.

"Jimin, open your eyes." Taehyung slowly placed Jimin on his feet, Jimin complied. "We're in heaven!" Taehyung exclaimed as he pointed at the top of the mountain which is still so far away in Jimin's perspective.

"You're horrible!" Jimin retorted crossing his arm as he trudges towards the trees.

Taehyung quickly followed suit grabbing Jimin's hand. "Hey hey slow down. I'm sorry okay?"

"I don't want to continue, I want to go home," Jimin whined pouting his lips.

"We will once we reach the top of this mountain, okay?" Taehyung insisted squeezing Jimin's fingers.

Jimin, he knows he's being a brat, stomped his feet in protest. "But it's still so far. Can't we go home? I'm tired and itchy." He complained scratching his arm.

"But if we give up this would all be in vain. Our efforts of climbing would be put to waste." Taehyung reasoned out with his eyebrows scrunched in slight annoyance.

Jimin was frustrated, he doesn't want to continue why couldn't Tae see that? "Fine! Go and reach the top but I'm staying!" He stated as he crossed his arms letting go of Taehyung's hand.

The taller's face contorted in disbelief as he runs his fingers through his locks. "Jimin, you can't be serious. You're acting like a spoiled brat."

"I don't care I'm staying!" Jimin responded.

Taehyung contemplated on the matter before speaking, "Fine then. Don't wander off." With that said, he disappeared into the trees without looking back at Jimin.

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