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Chapter Ten


Taehyung fucked up. He always did. He continued to dial Jimin's number but his number couldn't be reached somehow. He must've turned it off or something. Perhaps the boy wanted privacy but Taehyung was anxious and shaken by Jimin's outburst.

He has to say something, to explain.

What was there to explain? He didn't know. All he wants was to take care of Jimin, to handle him with care, and give him the good treatment he deserves.

He grabbed his parka and headed out to find Jimin.


"He isn't here? But where will he go?!" He retorted pushing the door open with so much force it banged against the wall making Hoseok jump back in shock.

"I don't know. Calm down why don't you."

"Hoseok I'm not fucking around! If you're hiding him from me I completely understand but please just give us a minute! A minute is all I need it's enough!" Taehyung insisted, eyes demanding and pleading at the same time.

And Hoseok wasn't blind he could see how desperate the other was. He actually felt bad. "Taehyung listen to me. I swear chim isn't here." But seeing how Taehyung didn't react he sighed. "Fine then come in and look for Jimin but I swear to God he isn't here."

Taehyung quickly dashed inside, his shoes flying out as he clumsily took them off before completely entering the apartment. Hoseok only watched as Taehyung rummage through the empty rooms screaming Jimin's name.

Hoseok thought Taehyung was only pretending but looking at him now he's starting to doubt himself. If Tae didn't love Jimin he won't allow himself to look like utter shit and yet here he is, the mighty Taehyung looking for something he knows isn't even here.

"Where is he?!" Taehyung asked again in a yell, eyes wide and searching.

"Goddamn keep it low! We have neighbors!" Hoseok scolded.

"I don't care!" Taehyung yelled as he kicked a poor chair which fell to the floor.

Hoseok felt his blood boil at the disrespect Taehyung was displaying. "Why are you asking me anyway?! As far as I could remember he was headed to the store near your neighborhood to buy drinks and some food. Weren't you supposed to fetch him?!" He questioned and judging from the shocked expression Taehyung had he could only guess what happened. "Don't tell me you didn't?! You let him walk 10 kilometers when it's fucking snowing!"

Taehyung shook his head as he looked down. "Fuck. Fuck. I fucked up. Shit!"

Hoseok merely scoffed, "Glad you know."

Suddenly Taehyung charged forward to grab his arms. "Hyung we need to find him!!" He said sounding desperate.

"I said keep it down!" Hoseok hissed.

"How?! It's 10 in the evening?! Where could he have gone?!" Taehyung yelled frantically as he swiped his face.

"Calm down!" Hoseok repeated but a bit louder which caused Tae to look at him. "I'm sorry... But listen, Jimin's an adult... He knows what he's doing okay? I had sent him a message before you barged in he replied."

"What... What did he say?" Taehyung's voice suddenly deflated.

"Not to worry... That's all. I honestly thought you were with him."

"Oh... " Taehyung's shoulders dropped, he was devastated at himself.

"It's late you should go home. " Hoseok suggested. He was about to turn and head to his room when Taehyung spoke.

"Hyung, can I stay?"

Taehyung sounded like he was on the verge of crying and Hoseok could only pity the other. "Uh... I guess? You can sleep in Jimin's bed."

"No... I want to stay in the living room. Just in case he comes home."

Hoseok nodded, "Suit yourself. By the way, I'm guessing you haven't eaten yet? There's food in the fridge just heat it up. And are you sure you're staying here? It's cold." He asked craning his head to stare at the younger who shook his head to refuse. "Goodnight then."


Taehyung sat on the cold couch with nothing around him but darkness. He hates the dark and he remembered how Jimin wrapped his arms around him whispering words of comfort. Jimin kept him safe. Jimin stayed with him despite knowing his fears and weaknesses. Jimin stayed.

Jimin always stayed. And Taehyung wished Jimin was beside him now.

"Touch me."

The words replayed like a broken cassette tape and he couldn't even blink an eye. He waited and waited... till the sun rose and there's still no Jimin beside him.

His body aches, it was cold. He felt numb all over. His eyes were bloodshot, lips chapped from the cold air last night. He was shivering but when he thinks of Jimin trudging through the snow just to get to him keeps his sanity in place.

He must wait. It's okay, he'll come back, eventually. Jimin will come back to him, to his arms. To where he rightfully belongs. To him, to Taehyung.



"Oh shit, don't tell me you didn't sleep last night? God, you look horrible!" Hoseok asked before his phone rang causing Taehyung to sprung from the couch. His bones felt like breaking from the sudden movement, his limbs were sore and tired but he couldn't care less about himself at the moment.

"Hello? Jimin?" Hoseok's expression completely changed as he held his hand to Taehyung's chest restraining him to step closer. "Oh... Well is he fine? Because I swear if--" Hoseok couldn't finish because Taehyung snatched the phone away spinning around so quickly to look away and have the phone all to himself. He needed to hear his baby's voice. Jimin... Jimin...

"--don't worry. He's sleeping with me. He's fine okay? Jimin's fine. I'll always keep him safe."

The phone got snatched back by its owner who sent him an apologetic look before answering the phone. "Hello?--yeah ---just take care of him-- thanks---"

Taehyung remained silent, his mind short-circuited he couldn't think properly. He knew the man behind the line, how could he not recognize his own best friend's voice?

Jimin was with Jungkook all night long.

Jungkook had his arms around Jimin.

Jimin and Jungkook...

His heart was beating fast, knuckles tight and turning white. He felt betrayed and crestfallen.

"Taehyung? Are you okay? Don't worry Jimin---"

He didn't want to hear, why? Hoseok's words won't make him feel better. When he thinks he'll never be better.

He thought he could change.

How? When it's all too late.

It was like a dream. As if he was a kid again. He chased the beautiful butterfly, but he couldn't catch up. He couldn't run faster and like reality, he couldn't say it faster until the butterfly flew away... Until Jimin left him all alone.

"It was my fault." Taehyung weakly whispered, "I'll always be an asshole."

His words broke along with his metal-made heart.


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