"In love"

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I will no longer continue this story :) this is the final chapter of 'Pretend'. Thank you all for all the votes and comments on this story. I didn't expect this one to get a lot of attention and love :)) borahae 💜

Please love Vmin ♥

Chapter Sixteen

"In love"

"How was my performance?" Jimin asked as he stuffed his clothes in a duffel bag.

Hoseok had a wide smile as he grinned, "You were amazing! You've improved a lot! No wonder you're the top student in modern ballet."

Jimin's face reddened at the sudden compliment, "You're not being biased are you?" His voice was small and unsure as he zipped his bag and glanced at Hoseok's direction.

Hoseok quickly walked towards Jimin taking his duffel bag, "I'm not, and even you if you think i'am, you can't say the same to the judges. Stop being insecure Jimin, you danced like a fairy earlier. How could you be so elegant and strong at the same time? The crowd was blown away!" Hoseok said with a wide grin on his face. He looked like a proud father.

Jimin watch as Hoseok threw the duffel bag over his shoulder with a small pout on his lips, "I can carry that you know. I work--"

"-out blah blah blah I gained muscles blah blah blah. Shut up Jimin. You must be tired from earlier let me help for once." Hoseok rolled his eyes as he started to walk, Jimin followed behind him with a frown. "So where's your prince?"

Jimin blushed at the thought of his boyfriend, "He said he'll be waiting outside."

"Did he watch you?"

Jimin hummed, "He couldn't make it."

"Again?" Hoseok looked back with a disappointed look on his face.

"It's not his fault. He was busy." Jimin depended.

"Oh right. Mr. prince charming had some shooting to cover. What a hotshot huh. He's so busy he doesn't have time to attend your competi---"

"Hyung... I'm used to it okay? I can't ask him to be here for me 24/7 he has his own life. His own career. Besides he's doing what he loves and look where he is right now." Jimin said with a smile upon his face.

"Yeah, he's so popular he barely has time for you. Isn't today a special day for the both of you?."

"He tries Hyung. He is trying his best. Not everything can be perfect." Jimin said with a frown. "And it will be special."

"If he didn't forget." Hoseok sighed, "Don't get mad now."

"I'm not." Jimin denied.

Hoseok was about to speak when a certain someone appeared in front of them pulling Jimin into a warm embrace. Jimin quickly wrapped his arms around the man with a contented sigh.


Jimin giggled, biting his lower lip, "Taetae!"

Taehyung pulled away with a wide grin on his face, "I missed you." He stated before pulling Jimin into another tight hug. He buried his nose in Jimin's fluffy blonde hair engulfing himself in the smell he had missed so much.

Jimin's voice was muffled by Taehyung's shoulder as he spoke, "I missed you too!"

Taehyung pulled back, putting his hands against Jimin's cheeks, "That's good. Let's get out of here?" He asked before glancing at Hoseok, "Is that Jimin's? Hand it over hyung. I can take it from here."

Pretend • VminWhere stories live. Discover now