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I must apologize. Keep your vmin feels reserved for next time. Right now, it's angst mode. Do comment and vote, it keeps me motivated.

No one hates jikook right? Idk some may (wtf why?) since this is a vmin book. ( I'm sorry but just hold on and trust me on this. )


Chapter Nine


Jungkook sighed as he skipped another channel. Life was getting out of hand, he doesn't know what to do with his. His friends looked pretty happy with theirs, why couldn't he?

It's as if he's living in a repeated cycle. It's like he's stuck with no sign of moving forward. He briefly closed his eyes until there was a faint knock at his door. He waited for another before standing up. He ran his hand through his hair as he twisted the doorknob. It revealed a pink-haired boy, his cheeks tinted in rose and his button nose all red. Jungkook's eyes widen in utter shock, it had been months since he saw Jimin face to face, "Jimin? What are you--"

"Hey... " Jimin looked up at him with doe eyes. He pressed his plump lips together, running his hand up and down his arms. "Won't you invite me in?" His voice was soft and too vulnerable.

Jungkook sputtered, words jumbling all of a sudden, "In? The house it's uh-- "

Jimin interrupted Jungkook, "Messy?" He guessed before tiptoeing looking past Jungkook, "I can see that."

Jungkook nodded, what was there to hide? "Okay. Come in." He stepped aside as Jimin walked inside the room. He closed the door before following suit. Jimin was standing beside the glass window. 

"You didn't change anything," Jimin whispered almost inaudible but Jungkook heard just right.

"I... I don't have time to." Jungkook answered, actually he has, he had tons of those. Time.

Jimin nodded in acknowledgment as his eyes traveled across the room. Jungkook walked towards him, he saw a photograph of Jimin still hanging in the wall. He wanted to take it down but it was too late, Jimin saw but he didn't say anything. Jungkook had to admit he was disappointed Jimin ignored it.

Jimin moved along to the kitchen with Jungkook trailing behind him. "You kept the couple mugs. For Seokjin hyung?"

"Nah. We broke up months ago." Jungkook informed as he took the red mug from Jimin's tiny fingers. "If you want hot chocolate use your own mug. The blue one." He pointed at the blue mug which Jimin picked up, Jungkook watch as Jimin's lips slightly curled up as the smaller read his name written inelegantly in the mug. It was like dejavu, Jimin standing in his kitchen like before when he was his.

"I told you I should've written our names." Jimin sent him a little glare before chuckling.

Jungkook shrugged, "Fine. You're always good at everything, aren't you?"

Jimin raised an eyebrow, "Are you talking to me or yourself?"

Jungkook laughed, "Myself?"

Silence followed and the tension was slowly building itself like a tower. Jungkook gulped as he placed his mug on the table with shaky hands. Jimin showed up, he was there. However Jungkook was afraid, he hated looking at Jimin's black eyes. He hated how he loves them so much. He looked up and found Jimin walking fast towards him.

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