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Chapter Eight


"What do you mean we should stop seeing each other?" Hyorin asked with disbelief as she dropped her handbag on the couch in Taehyung's living room.

"Hyorin you know exactly what it means. I don't think I have to spell it out." Taehyung said quite annoyed. "And you shouldn't come uninvited."

She let out a short breathy laugh in disbelief, "Uninvited? You always like me surprising you!"

Taehyung briefly closed his eyes, "Not anymore... Look, I told you it would be the last back in the club. I thought I was clear."

"But why?!"

Taehyung sighed, he ran his hand through his brown locks in slight frustration. "I don't want to do this anymore... Playing around. I'm done. I want to change."

"To change?" Hyorin let out a laugh. "Give it up. An asshole will always be an asshole. And you Kim Taehyung, is one hell of an asshole." She snorted shaking her head.

"And you're a what?" Taehyung counterattacked with one eyebrow raise. "You better look at yourself before you run your mouth Hyorin. Remember that. Now if you may go I have some things to do." He turned around completely dismissing any further arguments.

He heard the loud and quick clacking of heels heading towards the door. He looked at the clock and wondered what time it was that he was supposed to pick Jimin up, he couldn't recall.

"Oh... Thanks for yesterday night. It was... good. As always."

Taehyung blinked in confusion at the words she had spoken then he headed to the door because he didn't hear the door being shut. Hyorin must've kept it open. He abruptly stopped in his track once he saw Jimin standing at the doorstep with a paper bag in his chest, eyes glued to the floor.


Jimin was quick to regain from his short rendezvous as he strode past Taehyung. "I brought some jajjangmyeon!" He announced a bit overjoyed.

Taehyung spun around to follow suit. He found Jimin with his arms leaning against the kitchen counter. "I'm sorry it's a bit cold now." He spoke, words dripping with disappointment despite his small smile.

"No. That's... It's fine." Taehyung mumbled absentmindedly. Jimin was always good at this, playing pretend.

Jimin's lips were trembling before it curled into a wide smile. "Have you eaten breakfast yet?" Even though Jimin was wearing his eye smile Taehyung couldn't stop his anger from rising. Jimin saw Hyorin but why isn't he saying anything?

Taehyung's hands turned into fists, "Stop with the act."

Jimin tilted his head in question, "Act? I'm not."

Taehyung groaned in annoyance as he almost growled out, "Jimin! That's enough! You saw her right?! Then say something!"

Jimin's eyes widen in shock as he sputtered a reply, "I... I'm not compelled to do so... I'm ... You... You can't love me." Jimin regretted his words so he continued, "I mean... We're still pretending so we should set our feelings aside... Yeah... We should."

Taehyung lost his words. We're still pretending... Still pretending... The words echoed inside his head he couldn't think straight.

All of a sudden Jimin walked towards him latching his arms around Taehyung's neck. The taller was completely caught off guard as he balanced himself from the sudden collision of their bodies. He was still shocked but the words Jimin spoke were unexpected. "Taehyung Touch me."

He couldn't react, his eyes were wide in confusion. "J-Jimin I---"

"Touch me please. Like how you touched her." Jimin pleaded, he grabbed the taller's arm and placed it on his lower back. "Come on Tae. I'll be a good substitute too. I'll be good." He reassured, his voice shaky and soft.


This wasn't what he wanted.

"No." Taehyung refused as he pushes Jimin away lightly.

Jimin's pained expression was like a bullet passing through his heart. He was about to speak as panic dwelled in him however Jimin had already beat him to it.

Tears cascaded down his rosy cheeks as he spoke with hurt, "Don't speak! I know I know! I should've known! I mean I do yet I still keep on doing it! I shouldn't have... I.... I hate you. You're such an asshole!" Taehyung stepped forward, attempting to hold Jimin but the latter quickly jerked back. "Don't! Don't touch me now!" Jimin hissed as he took quick steps towards the door, Taehyung trailing behind him.

"Jimin wait!" He grabbed Jimin's hand only to be pushed away.

"Don't! Just don't!" Jimin screamed, it echoed around the walls.

Taehyung halted, he was speechless as Jimin gave him a lost and hurt expression before shutting the door to his face. He couldn't move as if his feet were stuck to the floor. He made Jimin cry, again.


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