"Fake boyfriends"

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Chapter Two

"Fake boyfriends"

"Don't tell me you cleaned the bed?! You threw the rose petals? Are you nuts?" Hoseok spatted as he carried Jimin's bag, jungkook's bag rather and dropped it on the floor with a loud thud. Jimin immediately cringed because he didn't want to hear Hoseok's sermon.

He nodded and Hoseok scoffed, "Hey that was expensive you moron! You should've just given it to me! Those were suppose to whither after twelve years! TWELVE! I made it clear it was expensive!" Jimin slumped down in the sofa, shoulders high, head hung low with guilt and sadness. "To top it off you didn't burn that mofo's house?! Give me a lighter imma set it on fire right now lemme at--"

"Hyung please don't!" Jimin interrupted, "It's okay."

"What's okay? What the fuck is okay?!" Hoseok yelled with his eyes ready to beam laser at Jimin.

"He was... he wasn't bad in the entirety of our seven month relationship." Jimin said keeping his head hung low.

"Jimin, that skunk used you. You're better than that. You're a smart boy." Hoseok sighed rubbing his nape as he sat beside the trembling boy.

"I know. But he really was nice. He's kind hearted." Jimin said finally looking at his hyung.

"Why do I find that hard to believe?" Hoseok raised his eyebrow doubtfully, "Give me one moment of kindness from him." He said smugly as if Jungkook wasn't nice in any way. So Jimin furrowed, thinking about their past to try and convince his friend.

"Well, we were on our way home and he was eating his burger when a street child approached us asking for food." Jimin pursed his lips as he recalled the memory.

"So he gave his Burger then?" Hoseok asked a bit surprised.

"Not exactly..." Jimin said sheepishly, "He gave it after eating more than half of it infront of the boy-" Jimin paused and before Hoseok could interrupt he continued, "B-but at least he gave it!"

"I don't know about you but just because Jungkook is hot with his fine muscular arms and okay he's handsome and he looks like a harmless kid and yeah he's cute but that doesn't mean you have to open your legs for him!"

"Hey! I didn't! Um was about to but not anymore ---"

"Oh, and to think you wore a maid outfit and cat ears ---"

"Hyung please don't." Jimin begged, he was embarrassed enough. "I don't think I want to go to school the next day. People would start bullying me again and I bet it'll be worse."

"Okay okay." Hoseok remained silent and Jimin watched as his hyung's face lighten up with an idea. "I've got an idea!"

Jimin sighed, "Wha---"

"I'm getting you a boyfriend! A fake boyfriend!" He squealed clasping Jimin's hands with his. "Show Jungkook you don't need him. That it wasn't your loss!"

"Ah okay? Are you crazy?" Jimin shook his head. "Who would even agree to that?"

"Remember the blonde boy who asked for your number? My step brother?" He asked beaming.

"Kim Taehyung?" Jimin asked unsure, "He asked for my number because he was so drunk. And you can't possibly drag your brother into this."

"Yes I can it won't be a problem besides nobody knows we're step brothers. It's a perfect plan!" Hoseok said clapping his hands.

"That's what people do in movies." Jimin grimaced in disapproval, "Not gonna happen."

"Well I say it will!" Hoseok insisted shooting a 'what will you do' look at him and he fully knows he doesn't have much choice. He can't argue with Hoseok when the boy had decided on something he should either shut up and comply or if he chooses to talk then he'll get physically hurt like last time where Jimin was tackled by Hoseok to the ground, locking his limbs like a pro wrestler until Jimin gave up.

Jimin groaned in defeat as he rested his back at the couch. "Just please don't embarrass me infront of Taehyung."

"Sure sure you can count on me!" Hoseok beamed crossing his chest as a promise.


Well, turns out he still did.

"But why? I don't understand?" Kim Taehyung, the blonde boy raised his eyebrow when Hoseok presented him to act as Jimin's fake boyfriend. "I'm not into this revenge thing. Too much drama might occur and I'm not up to it. Aside from that, Jungkook's my friend."

"Don't be a sissy!" Hoseok shook the boy's shoulder. "Look at Jimin!" Hoseok pointed a finger at Jimin who was seated across them. Jimin wanted to duck his head below the table, he really didn't want this situation, he never wanted to replace Jungkook right away with a fake one. "He was crying all night long for the past week!"

Jimin glared at his hyung for saying that, it was normal anyway. You get your heart broken you'll cry the entire night or days, in Jimin's case it'd been weeks.

Taehyung looked at Jimin's face, his eyes were judging until it went soft scanning his features. Jimin didn't want to feel intimidated, the blonde boy was drop dead gorgeous. His eyes were big and full of expressions, his nose was well defined almost perfect in Jimin's perception and those lips were naturally red. He looked like he was straight out of an anime. Or he could define the word 'prince charming'. Jimin couldn't keep his eyes away from Taehyung.

"Are you okay? You look like you need water." Taehyung said about to stand up and probably fetch him water when Hoseok intervened.

"Jimin will be fine if you just agree!"

Jimin kicked Hoseok under the table out of reflex, the latter made a very exaggerated pained expression but Taehyung merely ignored him. Jimin didn't want to look desperate. "I will only agree if..." Jimin looked at Taehyung and their eyes met. The taller smiled, "Jimin will take me as his boyfriend..." Jimin suddenly blushed as he looked away. "His... pretend boyfriend."

Jimin nodded but somehow he didn't understand the disappointment that was pooling in his stomach. "O-okay."

Hoseok's eyes went incredibly wide as he grabbed Jimin's hands, "God that was the best decision you ever made!"

Jimin wanted to punch Hoseok and scream 'fuck off' but instead he simply looked at Taehyung with a smile however the younger was already looking at him and he instantly looked down.

"It's settled then! I knew you guys would agree so I had printed this agreement! Just put your signature and it's official!" Hoseok laid out some sort of document in front of the two, Jimin held the stupid agreement and sighed it not even bothering to read.

He pushed the paper to Taehyung who took his time to read whatever was written, he nodded as he read, "Okay, who gets to keep this form?"

Hoseok smiled, "Me ofcourse!"

Taehyung hummed looking at the piece of paper. Jimin stood up causing his chair to creak and grabbing the other's attention. "I'm going to bed..." He informed before looking at Taehyung, "Taehyung-sshi..." He started shyly, biting his bottom lip. "I'll see you tomorrow..." He trailed off, eyes slowly moving up to look at the blonde male.

"No need to be so formal." Taehyung chuckled, "Call me Tae or Tae-tae if you get comfortable enough. You can call me other names too... that comes a little later though." Taehyung said adding a quick wink that caused Jimin's breath to hitch.

"Oh... I will... Goodnight Taehyng-sshi--Taetae!" Jimin turned around as he walked inside his room. He slowly closed the door and rested his back against the door.

'Taehyung is cute... he looks so hot too.'

Jimin could've accepted the fact he hired a fake boyfriend if the guy wasn't as perfect as Kim Taehyung was. Also, the said boy isn't the kindest soul in town, kim fucking taehyung was once his bully.


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