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Okay I'm back. :3

Aside from being too busy (I don't have time to write but I read other ff's) , I had experienced author block. lol. I came up with different endings for this story and I had chosen an ending that I personally would be satisfied and happy with the outcome. Idk whether u guys would like it too but do remember, my intention was to actually make you feel the vmin love. Make you experience a roller coaster of emotions. :'3

"Pretend" is gaining a lot of viewers. I'm shook. I love ya'll, thank u for all the comments. Please love this story and me till the end. 💕

-majoy ♚


Chapter Thirteen


Jimin was walking down the corridor when he saw Taehyung walking towards him. His heart started to beat fast, his breathing became slightly quicker before he tried to hold it. Taehyung was looking forward, hair brushed up exposing his gorgeous features. Jimin couldn't help but stare, he wanted to run his fingers through the other's hair. He wanted to be close, just like before when it was all still pretend.

He misses him so much.

He knows it was his fault why Taehyung stopped but somehow he wished that Taehyung did something to stop him from leaving. Instead of asking him to come back, it's like he just let him go.

Jimin continued to stare, two more steps, 'Taehyung look at me.' Jimin didn't know if he was still breathing, his heart was almost at a standstill. It felt like seconds turned into minutes as Taehyung walked past him, completely ignoring his presence. Jimin felt tears emerging from his eyes. 'Don't cry. Don't be a baby.' He chided himself before speeding his walk.

He ran directly into the comfort room locking himself in a stall. He let his tears fall but he still kept himself quiet despite wanting to cry out loudly. He doesn't know what to do anymore. So what if he loves Taehyung and the other doesn't. What should he do then?

All he knows is he really loves Taehyung. He made so many mistakes and he wanted to make it right, he can't continue to lose the person he loves. Not this time. Not again.


After class, he made his way outside the school building into Taehyung's hiding place. It was located at the back of the school, the latter loves sleeping in the green grass just below the tree. Perhaps he was a bit early that there was no Taehyung insight. He sighed in disappointment before sitting down and looking forward. He got lost as memories of Taehyung rolled in his mind. He came up with different scenarios in where they'd end up forgiving each other, Taehyung hugging him close that he could feel the other's heartbeat.

"What are you doing here?"

Jimin stiffened, Taehyung sounded a bit annoyed. He slowly looked up behind him and there the taller stood with his hands hidden in his pockets. His face was expressionless and Jimin feared that he truly wasn't of any importance to the other.

"I wanted to t-talk to y-you." Jimin started hesitantly as he stood up to face Taehyung.

"And tell me what?" Taehyung asked, anger was visible in his eyes as his face turned cold. "That you're with Jungkook now?" He asked with spite, words laced with venom that Jimin lost his own words for a second.

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