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(EDITED- I also changed a few sentences of taehyung's confession :) )

Chapter Fourteen


"You know, that ugly bear might actually come to life if you keep on staring at it like it had killed someone."

Jimin groaned in annoyance as he sent a quick glare to the older male who only shrugged. "Leave me alone." He was sitting at the end of the sofa staring at the bear which is on the other side.

Hoseok looked shocked as he said, "I have! In fact I kept quite despite wanting to tell you guys that you both fucked up."

Jimin frowned, "I'm aware of that thank you very much."

"Oh really? Are you sure?" Hoseok raised an eyebrow, "It's so obvious how smitten you are of each other why don't you just drop everything and makeup?"

"That sounds easy. But it's not." Jimin looked away from the teaddy bear he owned to stare at his hands instead. (A/N: Ok this was a typo but I ain't gonna change it :P)

Hoseok sighed, "You guys are making it more complicated you know. If he talks too much you just kiss him! Seriously grab his face and kiss him hard and I swear he'll be speechless oh and I bet he'd love it too!"

"Ugh Hyung! That's too much. After what I've done what would he think of me?" Jimin asked.

Hoseok hummed for a second, "What's important is he loves you."

Jimin closed his eyes tightly as he brought his legs up on the couch, hugging them. "How do you know that... What if he doesn't... He doesn't..."

"Jimin, I know this might sound crazy because I started this all but believe me... He loves you."

Jimin shook his head in disagreement as tears slowly formed in his eyes. The elder kept quite before clearing his throat. "Is there anything you'd want me to give him? It's his birthday after all."

Jimin stayed silent as Hoseok sighed once more before walking towards the door. Hoseok knew he should have forced Jimin to come but since the younger protested up to the point he'd cry makes his heart ache.


Jimin watched as snow gently piled up the window pane, his eyes were puffy from his nonstop crying. He would write Taehyung's name in the window, making his lips curl up slightly. I love you. Wasn't that supposed to be a strong statement? With it shouldn't everything fall into the right place? Jimin closed his eyes as fresh tears resurfaced, he wiped them off with his sweater paws.

Suddenly his phone buzzed, it had a while ago but he only ignored it. He held his phone and saw two names flashed in the screen. He clicked the one from the first messenger.

Hey, how're you doing? I hope you're not crying atm
Anyway, go to Taehyung
He loves you as much as you love him so don't worry and
don't cry anymore

You said he makes you happy. Something I can't give to you
But my happiness was you, seeing you smile and laugh..just you
If he's your happiness, then go to him

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