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The scenes....it seems it always happens in a car hahahahahaah what a coincidence xD

Song choice: So close by Jon McLaughlin


Chapter Twelve


Jimin completely ignored Taehyung and to his surprise, the other didn't bother him. 'Maybe I really am not important to him.' He thought, he quickly splashed water at his face. 'Stop thinking of him' he chided at himself looking at the bathroom mirror.

After wiping his face he decided to go home, alone. Unfortunately, it was raining heavily. He groaned at the situation. Maybe he should run to reach the school's gate but he'd end up getting soaked. Suddenly a red car halted in front of him, the owner scrolled the window down revealing Jungkook, "Need a ride?"

It's just a ride, it won't hurt. Getting soaked in the rain may cause him a cold and he can't afford to get sick. "Fine." He nodded as he jogged to the other side, quickly hopping in the car. Jungkook then started to drive, there was a long silence before Jungkook broke it.

"Jiminie... How are you doing?"

Jimin sighed, "I honestly don't know... I'm breathing, I'm here but it's funny how I feel as if I'm not... "

"Crazy." Jungkook said.

"I know..."

"Uh... About the note, you left... Jimin, I need you to tell me the truth. Do you know how confused and hurt I was when you left? I couldn't understand. Then you just ignored me after that. It drove me insane." Jungkook started as he glanced at Jimin for any reaction. The smaller scoffed crossing his arms.

"That's what you wanted from me so I gave it to you. Aren't you happy?" Jimin asked a bit annoyed, it is what Jungkook wanted. Why was he hurt?! He doesn't have the right to!

Why wasn't he happy he already won the stupid dare!

"Jimin, are you seriously asking me if I'm hap--"

"You're not?" Jimin interrupted, his voice high-pitched from the sudden anger. "I wasn't enough to satisfy you?!"

"That's not it!" Jungkook yelled as he steered the wheel to a stop at the side of the road. He wasn't the most understanding person but he wants to try. He needs to try.

Jimin was mad, why was Jungkook acting as if he's the victim in this. He wasn't! Jimin glared sharply at Jungkook, "Then what else do you want from me?!"

Jungkook closed his eyes before answering with honesty. "I want you! Every little thing about you! I want you to be mine again!" He suddenly admitted.

Jimin couldn't react fast enough as he shook his head in disbelief. He scoffs shaking his head once more before speaking, "Don't be an asshole. All I ever do was for you to love me back. All this time I wished you'd love me as I love you... It never came... And I had given up on you." He looked away and stared at the window shield instead. "You have no clue how much I loved you... I... I was always there for you...Did you have the slightest idea how afraid I was when I moved to your place? I didn't know what to expect but I shouldn't have expected anything from you. I was so naive... I thought you asked me to be your boyfriend because you love me. I fooled myself into believing you do. Every day Jungkook, every single day I try to convince myself you wanted me there. From the times you go home but won't eat the food I specifically cooked for you, or the times I was crying and I needed you to tell me you'd be there but you weren't. You simply didn't care. You didn't love me. Oh and let's not add the dare." The silence stretched as the snow slowly piled in the window, Jimin's loud beating heart started to calm down as he remembered all of the moments that caused him pain. "You even called me names... didn't you say I was a whore..."

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