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Chapter Three


Jimin almost jumped at the sudden weight around his shoulder, he sucked his upper lip in between his teeth as he looked up at the taller male beside him through his lashes.

"What is it, babe?" Taehyung asked as if it's the most usual thing in the world, "Is something bothering you?"

Jimin quickly shook his head, "Nothing!" He shrieked as he gulped looking around at the students gossiping, probably about them.

Taehyung chuckled, he drew his face closer so he could whisper next to Jimin's ear, "Act natural baby. Is that too hard to ask?" His voice was low and husky that Jimin just nodded. "Your ex... smile at him."

Jimin protested by frowning at Taehyung. He saw Jungkook leaning against the locker with an annoyed expression. Why?

'Maybe he found out about his briefs? Or the shirts?!'

He felt like a kitten being dragged towards a wolf's den. Jimin shot Taehyung a 'where the fuck are we headed?' look but the latter only ignored him.

"Jungkook!" Taehyung greeted throwing a light punch at the younger's shoulder who kept his eyes at Jimin.

"Hyung. Didn't think you were into secondhand's." Jungkook insulted raising an eyebrow with an unreadable expression.

Taehyung chuckled, "Secondhand? Whatever do you mean because as far as I could remember last night, I was his first. Not you."

Jungkook's jaw literally fell as his eyes moved to look at Jimin with disbelief. Jimin might've mirrored the younger's reaction if it wasn't for the hand gripping his hips tightly making him gnaw at his bottom lip.

"Anyway, later bro." Taehyung guided Jimin through the crowds of students. "I'll take you to your first class, okay?"

"Why... Taehyung..." Jimin wanted to halt but Taehyung was still caging him as they walk pass other students. It was the first time he ever felt protected. "Taehyung wait..." Jimin gasped when he accidentally stepped at his own shoe causing him to fall into Taehyung's chest which resulted the taller to lose his balance and unintentionally bump a student who's probably in a hurry.

"Watch where you're going dude!" The student scoffed bumping shoulders with Taehyung.

"Jimin!" Taehyung sounded a bit annoyed as Jimin lifted his face. "This isn't working, you're so damn clumsy!"

Jimin bit his lower lip as he looked down at the floor. 'You idiot. I knew it, he's only putting up a front. He probably hates me.' His thoughts were getting the better of him as his ego completely deflated along with the noise in the hall.

"Hey next time keep up with me okay?" Taehyung said annoyed as he let out a sigh, "Look, i'm not the nice type okay? I mean, i'm not sweet and gentle, got it? I'm not even caring nor am I easy to please and if you can't keep up with me and everything I do it's going to be a problem! That's why I didn't want to sign up for this shit! God...If only you weren't so...soft." He whispered the last word.

Jimin only stared at the other man's chest, he was wearing a white v-neck shirt topped with a brown leather jacket and did he mention that Taehyung had just dyed his hair brown? Also, was the bandana really necessary?

"Was I walking too fast? Maybe I was being too protective by looping my arm around your waist that you can't walk properly? So it's my fault? What should I do then? Can I just hold your hand instead, is that fine?" Taehyung's bombardment of questions left Jimin's mouth hanging. "What? Come on answer me baby."

The endearment made Jimin's cheek heat up even though Taeyung had used the word earlier. "Can I just...just hold onto you..."


Jimin pressed his lips together before slowly lifting his hand to touch the hem of Taehyung's jacket, his fingertips soon grasped the material, "Jungkook doesn't like me being clingy. So instead he lets me hold his sleeve or shirt so I wouldn't lose him when he would walk fast in a crowded place."

Taehyung stared at Jimin's hand before having the urge to hold it in his. He was a bit perflexed as he saw the hand size difference. Jimin's hand was soft and small unlike his own, which were calloused and big. "Well i'm not Jungkook."

Jimin looked at Taehyung's big brown honest eyes. "No. You're not..."

"That's right so when I walk fast and you can't keep up just cling to my arm or... you can hug me, I'll stop." Taehyung suggested as he smiled. Jimin would lie if he would say Taehyung's smile didn't make the butterflies in his stomach flutter.

Jimin nodded, "Do you... always lie? ... because earlier you were so quick to lie..."

Taehyung hummed, "I lie enough."

"I see..." Jimin stared at the cold and big hand engufing his much smaller hand.

"Oh shit, we're so late!" Taehyung hissed as he started to run with their hands entwined. Jimin quickened his pace so he could keep up. He stared at Taehyung's back as the taller run, he thought he could keep up and that's when he realized Taehyung slowed his pace for him.

'He says he isn't nice...then why?'


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