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Sorry if there are errors :')


Chapter Six


"Finally I found you."

Jimin turned his head up and stared at Hoseok who's looking a bit distressed.

"Hey what's up?" The pink-haired boy asked as he tilted his head in wonder why his friend looked troubled.

"That's it?" Hoseok asked in an irritated tone, Jimin only stared at him in question. He then let out a low groan. "I cannot believe it."

Jimin blinked in confusion, "What?"

"Jimin I can see how happy you are and that makes me happy too but I think you're getting carried away." Hoseok paused deciding if he should continue but his patience had boiled away. Jimin, his best friend had forgotten about their Friday night movie. It was just once in a week yet the boy had ditched him, not just once but thrice. He perfectly knows why. And he definitely isn't happy about it.

"Remember this is all supposed to be an act. Weren't you supposed to take revenge? Did you forget? He's not your boyfriend. It's supposed to be pretend." He made sure to emphasize certain words which made Jimin upset.

"You don't need to remind me. I know." Jimin said with a straight expression.

Hoseok looked at him with doubt. "I'm not sure you do."

"I'm not a kid! I can make decisions on my own." Jimin retorted standing up and quickly gathered his materials throwing them in his bag.

"Seriously what's wrong with you? I'm on your side you know." Hoseok said in dismay as he watched Jimin step back. His voice was raised that caught the librarian's attention.

They both looked at the librarian in silence and when they were ignored Jimin straight up said, "I don't think you are."

"Are you kidding me?" Hoseok whispered yelled in complete disbelief. "Fine, he makes you happy that much? God are you blind? He doesn't love you okay?!" He said not caring if the smaller's heart was aching. "Why are you so easy?!"

Jimin rushed out of the library leaving Hoseok with a now angry librarian with her awaiting sermon and probably detention too. "Well... Fuck."


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Smexy Club at 8pm. BE THERE.


fo if u won't.

Jimin practically threw his phone at the edge of his bed, he was thankful it didn't fell. He has a huge problem. Something he doesn't know how to handle. He feels like a kid screaming for a damn Teddy bear. Like a kid, he wants it so bad he doesn't want to let go.

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