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Chapter Seven


Three new messages!

Jimin bit his lips before looking around checking if Taehyung was still at the counter. His thumb hovered at Taehyung's iPhone, he just wanted to know. He's aware he shouldn't but curiosity was slowly eating him up. There's nothing wrong if he'll read, Jimin convinced himself it wasn't a big deal.


Did you forget to save my number again? Aish you idiot.


I'll be calling you later. 😘
Let's get naughty? 😉😋


I miss you 💋

Jimin quickly pushed the phone away as his heart's beat fastened. Hyorin. The girl from the club?

"Baby! Here's your cola." Taehyung said as he wrapped his arm around Jimin's shoulder who was a bit shocked from the taller's quick arrival, Tae slid the soda in front of him. The elder only flashed a quick smile before looking forward.

"Jimin, is there something wrong?" Jimin pressed his lips as he forced a smile tilting his head up to look at Taehyung who was wearing a frown, "Did someone bully you? Was it Jungkook?"

Jimin immediately shook his head in denial, "No. No one did."

Taehyung looked away, arms falling to his side, "Good. No one should dare hurt you." His hand found Jimin's, interlacing their fingers tightly.

Jimin kept his mouth shut, he thinks hurt will always be connected to him, one way or another. He always ends up getting hurt.

Taehyung doesn't love him, not from the way the taller holds his hand tight and warm, not from the way he tries to crack jokes to make him smile, not from the way he pecks his cheek softly, not from the way he looks at him as if he's all his looked for his entire life. No, definitely not. Taehyung doesn't love him.

However, Jimin wanted to keep going because Taehyung was becoming a very important part of his life, and to be honest he loves to live his life with Taehyung in it.

"Tae... I was planning on going out with you tomorrow." Jimin said, "For the record, I'm asking you out." Taehyung let out a laugh, "Because you're always complaining that I don't ask you out so there. Happy?"

"Hmm... Yeah I guess, " He shrugged with an amused smile. "I'll think about it."

Jimin was about to react but he was stopped when Taehyung suddenly kissed him on the lips. It was an innocent kiss, light and quick. "Of course I'm happy, what kind of question was that?" Taehyung whispered, his tone dropped running shivers down Jimin's spine.

Jimin knew his face was beet red from how hot he feels. "Tomo-r-row... Uh, I'll buy some jajangmyeon on my way to your apartment."

"Oh we're going to eat in my apartment? How about I pick you up from there? After all, I heard the snow's quite thick tomorrow." Taehyung happily suggested.

Jimin nodded in agreement as he squeezed Taehyung's hand. "Anyway, what plans do we have for tomorrow?" The taller questioned.

Jimin hummed pretending to think, "I'm planning something really simple."


"Watching movies? Just talking... And I want to give you a gift." Jimin said pressing his lips. He took a deep breath, "For... your birthday. An advance gift."

Taeyung smiled widely, eyes turning into crescents. "Really? Give me a hint!"

Jimin shook his head lightly in refusal.

"Fine then... I wonder what you'd give me." Taehyung said with a pout. Jimin can only chuckle at his cute boyfriend. He found it amusing that Taehyung was a complete softie, he likes to think that the other's only like that to him.


"Tae you seem awfully quiet?" Jimin asked as Taehyung pulled down the side of the road.

"I'am? Sorry... I'm not in the mood." Taehyung exhaled, he didn't look at Jimin but from Jimin's view of Taehyung's side profile, he could tell the other was sad.

He couldn't help but be concerned, "You can tell me..."

Taehyung smiled before turning to Jimin, "That's sweet but... I'd rather enjoy this moment with you." Taehyung was smiling however his eyes says otherwise. "Baby, can I hug you?"

Jimin only nodded allowing Taehyung to move forward until his nose was buried on the crook of Jimin's neck. The older male wrapped his arms around Taehyung, the tip of his hair was tickling Jimin's nose but he likes it.

They stayed like that for a minute, Taehyung's face hidden from Jimin's view but he could tell Tae was satisfied. "Tae... I won't force you to tell me your problems but remember I'll always be here." Jimin whispered against the other's hair.

Taehyung pulled back looking at Jimin with a bright smile, "I'll keep that in mind." Taehyung rubbed his thumb lightly at the expanse of Jimin's warm cheek. "See you tomorrow."

Jimin continued to stare at Taehyung whose lips were parted as if contemplating whether he should continue to speak, "Yes Tae?"

Taehyung bit his lower lip before flashing his boxy smile. "Nothing... You should ...go."

Jimin nodded as he opened the car door but before he could completely step out Taehyuung suddenly spoke, "I love you." His voice was deep but soft as if it wasn't supposed to be heard.

Jimin didn't look back, he can lie, sure, but repeatedly is a bit too much for him. His heart ached once again, hand cold and frozen at the car door. He pushed himself out of the car as if he didn't hear, he watched as the snow slowly poured along the empty snow-covered street.

Don't look back.

His heart was beating so loud he was afraid anyone who'd pass him by could hear it thump loudly. He blew a shaky breath that produced a white smoke, tears welled from his eyes as his vision slightly became a blur of white. Words are words but some of it cuts deep.

But if he's going to hurt, he doesn't want to feel as if he couldn't give all of him and so to feel more fulfilled he wants to give himself to the person he knows he would love for a long time. And he knows he won't regret it, giving himself as a gift to Taehyung.


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