What Lord Mist Wants{Editited}

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Haku's 3d person pov

Haku went out to search out for Chihiro, Haku ventures out to Zeniba to see if she can do a summoning spell to find Chihiro. Haku knocks on Zeniba door.

Zeniba answers the door and sighs. "Haku, come in," Zeniba commands. Haku nods and bows.

"Thank you, Zeniba."

"Take a sit, I'll make some tea," Zeniba says.

Zeniba house hasn't changed, "Ah Ah." No Face says.
Translation: Hello Haku.

"Yes, Hello No-Face. Sorry Zeniba, I have to tell you something."

Zeniba puts water in her kettle and boiled it while putting the tea in. "What is it?" In seconds the kettle pinned.

"It's Chihiro." Those two words made Zeniba froze." She's," Zeniba places the tea by Haku, Haku places his hands around the tea cup. "Been taken."

"Ah ah ah."
Translation: by who.

"Lord Mist," Haku says darkly.

"That monster!" Zeniba shouts.

"Listen Zeniba, I want you to do a projection spell so I can speak to her, could you do a summoning spell as well?" Haku asks.

"I'll do it, but listen Haku," Zeniba says. Haku's head shot up. "If Chihiro is in Lord Mist castle, then it'll take some time. If you say is true, then Chihiro is in grave danger." Haku took a sip of his tea.

"What do you mean?" Haku asked.

"Lord Mist is obsessed with finding powerful spirits, he wants power from them. Some are still in Lord Mist hands from decades, he drove them to him by kidnapping their loved ones." Zeniba says. Haku's eyes widen in fear. "After he gets the last spirit. He will drain all of their magical power out of them, at once. Having it all to himself."

"Who's the last one?" Haku asks.

"Dear, it's you."

"I'm still going to get her out. You know a human can't spend long in this world, I know the risks I'm taking. Zeniba I just want Chihiro safe." Haku says looking at his tea.

"Ah, young love." Zeniba whispers. "I'll do it Haku, just don't get caught when you see Chihiro."

"What do you mean caught?"

"Lord Mist can tell when magic is near and who their caster is, he can easily counter the spell and teleport you there."

Haku's eyes widen. "I'll still do it, for her."

Zeniba nods. "Very well then. I'll do it. Stand up and move away." She commands. Haku stood up and moved to the door. Zeniba pushes the table aside with a flick of her fingers. Zeniba looks in her draws and got a ball that has dark water, she places it in the middle of the room.

"Think of her Haku," Zeniba says then starts to chant words.

Chihiro's 3rd person
It's been a couple of hours and since the last talk, No one has come to see her, all of a sudden it starts to get windy in the room- a figure appears. Chihiro couldn't believe her eyes it was Haku. He had bags under his eyes from the lack of sleep and was still in the work clothes.

"Haku?" Chihiro says not taking her eyes off him. Haku places his finger on his lips telling her to be quiet then points to the door to his ear. Chihiro nods and moves to Haku.

"How did you get here?" Chihiro asks whispering.


"Granny? Is she okay?" Chihiro asks again a bit too loudly.

"Look Chihiro we don't have much time before he comes."

"Who comes?" Chihiro asks him. Before he could answer the door flew open making Haku stand guard over Chihiro.

The person who came was, Lord Mist.

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