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Haku 3rd person: :)
Haku wakes up with a banging headache. He stood up and Chihiro was nowhere to be found.

"Chihiro!" Haku screams.

"Haku?" A voice said behind him. Haku span round hoping it was Chihiro, but instead it was his sister Daisy.

(A/n,Sorry guys I'm adding a sibling to Haku as well, don't get confused)

Daisy couldn't stand seeing her brother like this, heartbroken and lost.

"Chihiro..." Haku whispers. "She's gone."

Daisy remembers that Chihiro was the one that helped Haku get his name back. Daisy smiles
sweetly at her younger brother.

"Gone?" Daisy questions.

"With Samuel, the spirit of promises and lies," Haku announces.

"Samuel..." Daisy repeats with hatred on her face. "Why?"

Haku sighs. "I was poisoned and we landed at Samuels forest. Chihiro made a deal with him in order for me to get better." He explains with a sad tone.

"Hey, you did the best you could okay?" Daisy said with a smile, but that didn't cheer him up.

"I could have been stronger, at least I should have seen that spell coming: Gosh I'm such a fool," Haku says.

"Stop it." Haku looks at her. "Stop acting like your the one to blame, your not. " Daisy explains.

Silence. "Why are you here anyway?" Haku asks.

"I was on my way to Zenibas to get herbs healing as Toot has a broken foot." Toot is a baby blue dragon Daisy explains.

"Okay well, I'm going to search for Chihiro," Haku announces and transforms into his dragon.

"Be safe." Daisy wishes, Haku nods, and flys of following the sent of Chihiro.

Chihiro's 3rd person Pov

They get back to the spirit world, they arrive at Samuels forest

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They get back to the spirit world, they arrive at Samuels forest. In the distance, Chihiro saw a horse it had strange markings on it and had blue bits coming off it.

"Yuki!" Samuel yells at the horse. All of a sudden the horse turns into a blue-haired woman with a black hood on, so that you can only see the hair dangling.

The woman - Yuki. Pulls her hood down and smiles at Samuel.

"Sammy!" Yuki screams in joy, like a five-year-old. Yuki walks up to Chihiro and Samuel.

"Yuki I told you not to call me that." Yuki bows.

"Sorry master." She apologizes.

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