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Chihiro 3rd person POV:

Yuki guides Chihiro and Kazima away from the fight. Yuki was leading them through a door, Chihiro stops them and turns around.

"Wait what about Haku?" Chihiro questions. The two sighs.

"He'll be fine." Yuki reinsurers her.

"I hope so."

"Come on let's go before they catch up," Kazima suggests. The girl's nods, they go through the door that leads to the boy's room. All of the boys froze when they saw Chihiro and Yuki.

"Err... Yuki your in the wrong room." Neo says with a towel around his neck.

"Listen up! The Wind Clan is here!" Yuki announces.

"Who are they after?" A blonde haired boy asks.

"Chihiro and Kazima. You all know the damage it does to the Master!"

A young boy nods. "We know. Come here I'll show you where to hide them."

"Thank you, Charlie." Yuki bows.

Charlie nods and lifts up the mat that had a hatch under it. He lifts it open.

"There aren't any lights in there." Charlie apologizes, as the group got in.

"It's okay. Thank you again, Charlie." Yuki says as she went down. He nods. After they were in He slams the hatch shut, the light from above was cut off by Charlie putting the mat back down. Causing the room to be cloaked in darkness.

Sometime later someone bangs on the boy's door. Chihiro hears some shout in surprise. The knock became louder causing Chihiro to let out a gasp but Kazima places a hand on Chihiro's mouth just in case they could hear them.

"Neo, go and Check it out." A boy whispers. Obviously afraid of what's happening.

"Why me?" Neo whispers.

"Because." A boy joins in.

Neo is walking up to the door and hesitantly opens it. When the door opens Red and Sky was there.

"May we help you?" Neo asks.

"Yes, you can. You see we're looking for two people of this clan. Names would be Chihiro and Kazima, have you see them?" Red asks.

"No, we haven't." Neo lies with a straight face.

"Mind if we check?" Chihiro accidentally moves back causing her to hit Kazima and full leaving a loud dud.

"They are here." Sky whispers. Sky and Red forcefully walk in with Neo trying to stop them.

"Hey! You can't just walk in here!" A boy yells.

"Hiyao! That's enough!" Samuel's voice came. The room got quiet. "Hello, Sky , Red , who are you looking for?" Samuel asks them.

"Chihiro and Kazima." Sky replies.

"I will not give permission for you to take them," Samuel says formally.

"We'll get them. Even if we have to force you to hand them over." Red continues.

Samuel narrows his eyes at them as if he'll challenge them to look on his face. "Leave!" Samuel barks.

Sky bends down and flips over the mat. Revealing a wooden hatch. Sky opens it showing them: Yuki, Chihiro, and Kazima.

"Dammit," Samuel mumbled.
Sky went down and forces them up the steps. "Yuki!" Samuel shouts. Yuki looks at him and Red shoves Yuki towards Samuel. Yuki trips halfway through the shove.

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