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Chihiro 3rd person

Lord Mist stands in the doorway with guards behind him. Luka bows his head, Chihiro was still in shock of him here.

"Luka there is no need to bow." Lord Mist comments. The guards came in Lord Mist slightly behind them. The guards undid Luka's rope and pull him up.


"Lord Mist paid us to set you free." One of the guards explains.

"What about my sister?" Luka growls pulling away from the guards.

"I didn't pay for her Luka." Lord Mist announces. Chihiro glares at them.

"Lord Mist please, I don't want to do the thing my parents did to me to my sister."

"Luka! I do not care what you think! Do you want to go now?"

Luka takes a stand back. "N-"

"Luka go." Luka turns to Chihiro. Chihiro forces a smile. "I'll be fine." Luka hesitated for a moment then slowly nods and walks over to Lord Mist.

Lord Mist starts to turn to leave but Luka ran up to Chihiro and hugs her. "Good luck with Haku, I'll see where he is." He whispers in her ear. Chihiro nods. Luka pulls away.

"See you soon," Chihiro says as she smiles.

"See you soon sis." Luka then walks over to Lord Mist and walks out with him looking back at Chihiro who smiles at him and walks out. The guards go out as well leaving Chihiro alone.

Couple moments later Chihiro starts crying.

'Chihiro?" Haku's voice echoes through her head.

"I'm fine." She manages to get out.

"What happened?" He asks.

"You didn't see? Well, Luka got out." Chihiro announces.


"Lord Mist came and got him out. Before he went he said that he'll look for you to help me get out." Chihiro explains.

"Slight problem, I'm sort of still in the room," Haku says.

"I forgot about that. He'll find you." Chihiro promise.

"I'll find you soon I promise."

"Oi!" Someone shouts. Chihiro turns her head around and found a guy storming up to her. Once he reaches her he grabs her hair. "Who are you talking to, brat?" The man spat.

"N-no one." Chihiro gets out. The man lets go of her hair.

"Well, it's time to meet someone." The guy announces. A girl walks in, her hair was scarlet. The girl had a sword on her hip. Chihiro was frozen in fright, the girl's appearance scares her somehow.

'Chihiro, that's Miyiho Nikia. One of the assassins who hunt Humans. Be careful don't provoke her.' Haku warns her.

"My I introduce Miyiho Nikia." The man announces.

"Human." Miyiho grunts. The guy unties Chihiro's rope. Causing Chihiro to sprint up.

"Oh, and I'm Blake." He introduces.

"We're here to get you out. We don't accept the terms they do here. In my aspect, I like to hunt humans down and take them back to their world." Miyiho explains.

"What about before?" Chihiro asks Blake. Blake scratches his neck and smiles.

"I needed a reason to come in here anyway. By the way who were you talking to?" Blake asks.

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