Lightning strikes {Edited}

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Haku 3rd person

Haku landed on the grass just the border of the Wind Clan.

I'm sorry Chihiro, Haku thought.

In no time, Sky and Red were there.

"Well well well, if it isn't Haku, came to join your clan have you?" Sky says.

"What do you want with my clan and me?" Haku asks.

"Classified." Red answers.

"Why is it classified?" Haku asks.

"Classified," Sky says with a smirk.

Red trapped Haku in a fire barrier. The flame moved over to them causing Haku to walk with it.

"Awe, you want to be back so badly?" Sky cooled.

When the fire barrier got to Sky and Red, Haku made the wind dispatched the spell.

"What the.." sky starts.

"I'm a wind user. Fire is hardly the opponent for me." Reds eyes burn with anger but Sky places a hand out to stop him.

"Red, that's enough, master wants him alive," Sky says. "As much as we hate it, we have to keep him alive."

"Master wants him alive, he didn't say anything about hurting him, so I can burn him a bit." Red lits his hand on fire.

"Red! I said, no. It's final!" Sky yells.

The flame disappears on Reds hand, "Fine, be like that." Red complaints.

Sky aims lightning behind Haku. Causing him to hiss in pain quietly, he trips making him closer to Sky and Red. Sky's aims lighting either side of Haku and behind him. The lightning kept on moving so Haku had to move as well.

Red grabs Haku, Sky grabs onto Red they teleported into the cube.

Sky pushes Haku in more and disappears with Red. Haku sighs.

"Master Haku!" Kia shouts, Sumi just said it.

"Hey, guys..." Haku felt dizzy but kept his head up.

"Is Chihiro safe?" Leo asks.

Haku nods. "For now."

Neo goes up to Haku. "What about Yuki?"

"She's fine." Haku realized Storm wasn't in the room. "Where's Storm?" He asked them.

"They.. they've been taking him out for questioning, he lied to them where Chihiro is now he has to tell the truth," Leo explains.

"How long has this been going on?" Haku asks.

"Ever since you left," Leo says.

"Haku are you okay?" Neo asks he notices Haku wasn't listing, Haku had his hands on his head.

"I...I'm .. dizzy." He collapsed.

"Master Haku !" Kia and Sumi yell.

Kia and Sumi run up to Haku and catches him. Haku weekly opens his eyes.

"Guys, I'm fine. Honestly."

"Go and rest Haku," Leo says. Haku just nods and fell asleep on the floor where Sumi left a jacket.

"He must be really tired." Neo comments.

Sumi and Kia nod, "Well, the master did fly here and back." Kia says.

"True." Sumi agrees.

"It's all because of her!" Kia yells causing Haku to move in pain.

"Kia, calm down," Sumi says.

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