Unicorn Family! {Editied}

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The Castle
Haku was waiting patiently by the gardens where Chihiro and her mother was. He was told to wait there as it was a family get together mother and daughter only. No guards were around them. A far distance way but not too far a bit like Haku but closer.

Haku couldn't shake off the feeling that something bad is going to happen the question is, how bad will it be?

Keikou walks up to Haku. "Nothing personal, but why are you here?" He asked.

"I'm Chihiro's bodyguard-" Keikou pins Haku on the walls of the gardens.

"Don't lie to me. Why are you here?" Keikou growls.

"Because, Chihiro asked me to come, as well as, I owe her big time. So, this is just me repaying the favor." Haku explains.

Keikou releases his grip on Haku and sighs. "Right, okay. That's fine, I guess."

"What is this about?" Haku asks Keikou.

"...She seems to be at your side when you're out of your bedrooms every time I see you two. I never see her alone well, when you went to the Frozen River Clan that was, but other than that, I haven't seen her left your side. Wherever you are she seems to be near you." Keikou explains.

Suddenly, they heard crying from the gardens where Chihiro and her mother was. The boys ran quickly there, they saw Chihiro crying. Haku instantly went to her side. The guards were on high alert as well as Keikou.

"No! Luka is my human brother if you like it or not! You're not going to kill him!" Chihiro yells crying.

"You've only recently known him to be your human brother. Who knows he could be lying." Crystal states. She stood up then Chihiro did with her face filled with a lake of anger rushing down her face.

"He's the closest thing I have to the human world!" Chihiro yells at her.

Keikou told the guards to go. "I don't care Avonmona. We've already got him in our hands." Crystal says.

"What?" Chihiro spat out in hatred. "Is this the family thing now? Kidnap people and then kill them? You make me sick mother. You don't even bother hiding them."

"What do you mean?" Crystal asks.

"....Chihiro..." Haku says worriedly.

"We saw one of them chained up. You don't want that going out do you?" Chihiro asks.

"That's it! I hear by-" Crystal starts.

"Mother! Please! stop!" Keikou yells running up to his mother. "Don't! This isn't you, mother! You have to calm down before it's too late."

Crystal smiles. "I'm sorry. I have to go and speak to Evan."

With that she exits the garden and closes the gate behind her, leaving Keikou, Haku, and Chihiro.

"...Chihiro..." Keikou says. "I..."

"Does she really have my human brother?" Chihiro asks.

"I'm not sure. We do have prisoners in our hands, we're not kidnapping them." Keikou explains.

"Well, dear brother of mine. It looks like that in our eyes." Chihiro says.

"How do you know about it anyway?" Keikou asks.

"We just do," Haku replies.

"Right," Keikou says uncertainty.

"How does she know about my brother?" Chihiro asks.

"I don't know. Mother has spies all over the place." Keikou admits.

"I see." Chihiro whispers.

"Well, we must be heading back to our rooms now," Haku says smiling. Chihiro nods agreeing with Haku.

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