The spirit of Lies and Promises{Editited}

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Chihiro and Haku went back to the cottage where: Samuel was drinking tea. Zeniba was nowhere to be seen. Chihiro went behind Haku still afraid of Samuel.

Samuel places his cup down on the plate and looked up at the two who were still standing in the doorway. Samuel smirks evilly. "You look better Haku." He comments. Haku nods in return but didn't say anything.

"Sen lets go like you promised." Samuel starts.

"No way, she's not going anywhere with you!" Haku shouts pushing Chihiro behind him.

Samuel sighs. "She promised. After all, I am the spirit of lies and promises." He announces. Chihiro's eyes widen.

"I don't care. She isn't coming with you!" Haku growls out.

"I'll force her if I have too!" Samuel snaps.

"Once again: you're not taking her with you!" Haku snaps

Samuel sighs. "I'm stronger than you, Haku."

"We're the same strength, idiot." Haku snaps.

"Just let me have the human!" Samuel yells he gasp at a thought he just had. "You're in love with her aren't you?" Samuel asks. Silences. "Haku, you know that's against the laws!" Samuel snapped at him.

"Some laws are meant to be broken," Chihiro says in a quiet voice.

Samuel glares at her. "Not this one."

"Samuel I'll make you a deal," Chihiro starts.

"Go on."

"I'll go with you only if: you do not tell anyone about the law, understand?" Chihiro made a deal.

"Chihiro don't," Haku whispers so that only Chihiro could hear, but Chihiro ignores him staring at Samuel completely ignoring Haku's glares.

"Deal," Samuel says with a smirk 😏. "I'll keep your dirty secret."

"Chihiro what are you doing?!" Haku yells at her in soft tone though. The two froze realizing that Haku said Chihiro out loud and not Sen. It was Loud enough for Samuel to hear.

"Chihiro?" Samuel repeats. "Your name is Chihiro not Sen isn't?"

"Yes, my name is Chihiro," Chihiro confesses.

"Come along now, if you don't want me to get Haku banished from the spirit world for loving you," Samuel says as he turns and walks out of the door. Chihiro took a couple of steps but didn't make it to the door as Haku grabs her arm.

"Chihiro," Haku said her name. Suddenly he turned her and kisses her on the lips. After the kiss, Haku hugs her tight."Don't go." Haku whispers in her ear.

"You didn't say you'll be banished just for loving me, a human. " Chihiro says.

"Don't go with him." Haku pleads.

"Haku, I don't want to go but I have to. I don't want you to get banished from your world, just because of me." Chihiro explains. Pulling away.

"It'll be worth it," Haku whispers. Chihiro shook her head.

"Haku I have to go." Chihiro starts walking.  Haku just stood there trying to believe he's having a nightmare.

"Chihiro don't!" Haku yells but ur was too late Chihiro was gone. Not looking back as he told her years ago. "Chihiro!" Haku shouts running towards the door, trying to open it but found it was locked.

He tried to use his magic but something was perfecting him to use his magic.

Haku rushes to the window where the sink is and the green blinds. Haku saw Chihiro and Samuel standing close. Haku bangs on the window trying to get Chihiro's attention.  Haku broke the window and climbs through it hoping Zeniba would forgive him for that.

"Chihiro!" Haku shouts at her. Chihiro turns around and does a sad smile. Haku ran up to her and kisses her. "Don't go." He whispers.

"Oh please," Samuel whispers but Chihiro hears him. Samuel put his hands together and whispers a spell. Chihiro notes the wind coming all of a sudden and spins herself around to see what Samuel was doing.

"Samuel stop!" Chihiro shouts at him. Samuel shakes his head and continues. Haku just realized this and shoved Chihiro aside, the spell hits Haku causing him to be pushed back onto the wall of Zenibas house and collapses from the lake of oxygen. "Haku!" Chihiro yelled.

"He's fine just passed out," Samuel says as if it's nothing. Chihiro glares at him but sighs as they've been through this already.

"Let's go then." Samuel nods from an agreement.

"Take my hand," Samuel says lending her his hand. Chihiro took it.
(A/N by the ways guys Samuels gift is t transportation)

Chihiro nods so Samuel transported to them to the human world.

"S-Samuel, what are you doing?" Chihiro stutters realize where they were.

"Going to my shrine. Got a problem with that?" Samuel snaps.

"No, I don't."

They travel at the end of the forest road where Chihiro's dad took the wrong turn. Samuel was looking down at the small buildings that her mum said was shrines. Chihiro gasp realizing that this is Samuels shrines.

Samuel kneels down and picks up a flower and a ring that a human has left. He brought the flower up to his mouth and chanted some words. The flower turns to a daisy flower and disappears. He did the same to the ring but that just vanishes.

"What did you just do?" Chihiro asks.

"I read what the owners thoughts of promises and sometimes I can dig into the lies," Samuel explains as if he wasn't there. "I remember there was one item, that was a top. A young girl came here once telling me that: "he promised that we'll see each other again." This girl was Chihiro. Chihiro you came to me crying."

"I-I uh-"

"Chihiro!" Her friend Miya and Lexi scream. The two ran up to them. "Where the hell have you been girl?!" Lexi shouts. Miya notices Samuel and giggles.

"Lexi they were probably doing something romantic."Miya guesses. Chihiro sighs.

" No, we weren't. Samuel is just visiting he's an old childhood friend." Chihiro lies.

"Mmmm okay." They both say.

"Samuel Remember that we have to go the woods to go to that place you wanted to tell me about?"

"Huh-uh yeah. Come on Chihiro don't want to be late." Samuel says.

"Late?" Miya asks.

"Late for what?" They both say together.

"To see Samuels parents again. Haven't seen them since I was Ten." Chihiro explains but lies.

"Ah okay, have fun!" They yell as Chihiro and Samuel walk in the forest together. Chihiro notices that Samuel was about to cry.

"Samuel?" Chihiro starts.

"They didn't notice my shrine." He said in a small tone of voice.

"I did don't I?" Chihiro asks him.

"Yeah..." Samuel trailed off. "Anyway let's get back." Samuel took her arm and they were back in the spirit world.

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