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This chapter is short apologised.
Chihiro 3rd person POV

The girl cries with her legs up to her chin till night. Chihiro cleans her face with a sniff. Deciding it was enough crying for one day she decided to see Kamij.

Chihiro took the path Haku gave her when she was ten. Just as she looks down she shook with fears of high places. Chihiro took a deep breath and ran down the stairs, not

screaming this time as she didn't want to cause attention.

Soon Chihiro was down the stairs she goes to the steel door and shoves it open. She hears Kamaji working. Chihiro by instinct she ran in the room stopping as she saw the soot balls by her feet Chihiro carefully steps over them.

"Kamaji?" Chihiro asks the boiler man.

"Huh?" The old man says looking around but not at her.

"Over here Kamaji!" Chihiro says waving her hands trying to his attention.

The old man spots her. "Huh? What are you doing here, Human?" He asks her forgetting his "granddaughter". Chihiro folds her hands over her chest and sighs.

"Kamaji don't tell me you've forgotten your own granddaughter." Chihiro lectures him in a teasing manner.

"Huh? What are you on about? I don't have a granddaughter. Plus we haven't had a human here in..." Chihiro cuts him off.

"Fourteen years I'm guessing."

"Yes, but how did you know?" Kamaji asks her.

"Kamaji I'm the human." Chihiro smiles.

"Sen?" Chihiro smiles. "Oh my, you've grown."

"Kamaji? Can I stay down here for a bit?" She asks him.

"Sure why not," Kamaji replies going back to work. Chihiro smiles and bends down looking a the soot balls coming out with coal.

Chihiro sits down and sighs. "Kamaji?" Chihiro starts, the man grunts in a way of saying yeS. "What has Haku been doing since I've left?" She asks.

The boiler man froze and sighs then continue to work. "Straight after you left Haku went to pick an argument about him quitting his job with Yubaba He of course won and after that, he left he had a home here as well for his river.

"Haku left for a month to train at his river. Yubaba changed, she was in a cloud of rage, need for power, Daisy. One of Haku's siblings put a spell on Yubaba's rage and it stopped." Kamaji explained.

"Lin kept on coming here after her shifts and cried begging someone or something to bring you back here. Everyone kept on teasing her about your here When they did that she looked herself in here. Lin cried. Herself to sleep so she told me. Once she told me that she had a nightmare that you were dead.

Lin went to Zeniba'S and asks for some herbs to calm her down. It didn't help though.
One day she lost it causing Lin to disobey Yubaba orders for cleaning the Big Tub as it remained her of you. So I believe up until now Lin is still down in the dungeons." Kamaji finishes.

"So, That wasn't Lin who gave me and Haku soup?" She asked.

"Soup? Lin." Kamaji laughed. "No it wasn't dear, Yababa likes to make puppets of people. Also, Lin only does baths and comes down to give me a lunch break."

Chihiro's eyes widen at the thought she just had. "Kamaji! Haku's in danger!" Chihiro announces.

"Huh? He is?"

"Yes! I left him with The copy of Lin he might be in danger, can you tell me where the dungeon is?"

"Sure, if you take..." Kamaji begin. Chihiro stood there listening to the boiler man.
"... then you take the exit on your left open the door and you'll find yourself in the basement known as the Dungeon. There you'll find Haku." Kamaij finishes.

"Thank you Kamaji!" Chihiro bows and rushes out of the room following Kamaji's detection.

(Time Skip the dungeon)

Chihiro following Kamaji's direction she found her self at the door to the dungeon she shoves it open with both of her hands. It was pitch black in the corner the light was on showing her Haku half asleep and Lin asleep. Chihiro gasp at the sight, she ran up Haku the human shook him so he can wake up.

Haku grunts in a way of saying he was awake. "What?"

Chihiro sighs in relief and hugs him. "Haku, you're alright." Chihiro untangles the chains on Haku's wrist. After she was done Haku fell down Chihiro caught him just in time.

"Chihiro?" Haku says as he pulls away. Chihiro heard chains rattle she turned around and saw the real Lin.

"Oh my god Lin?" Lin wakes up and opens her eyes.

"Sen? Oh gosh you've grown into a beautiful woman." Chihiro blushes.


"Mind getting the chains of me though?" Lin asks. Chihiro laughs quietly.

"Yeah sure." Chihiro went over to Lin and took the chains of her.

"Thanks," Lin says as she sinks her way down to the floor.

"How did you get down here?" Chihiro asks her.

"Well, I disobey Yubaba orders causing for me to be stubborn. She wanted me punished so she put me in here." Lin explains.

Haku gasp as he looks at his hand. His veins were turning black.

"Haku?" Chihiro questions as she spins around. The woman both gasp. "Haku! What's happening to you?" Chihiro questions his hand.

Lin looks up at Haku.
"It's poison."

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