Shoulder to cry on{Editited}

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The Wind Clan's Study

Red chains Storm and Leo up, so they could get some answers out of them. Storm and Leo glare at them. Red lights up his hand.

"Now, do you know where Luka and his sister is?" Sky asks.

"No, we do not know where they are!" Leo shouts. Sky nods at Red. Red goes up to Leo and burns a bit of his leg causing him to hiss in pain. Storm gasp at the sight.

"Stop hurting him, please! He doesn't know! I know!" Storm yells. Red stops, causing Leo to gasp out in pain.

"Where are they?" Sky asks.

"I only know where his sister is. The last place I saw her Was the White Forest Of Nokia." Storm replies.

"Thank you, Storm." Sky looks over to Leo who was still catching his breath. "Now why did you escape?"

"Escape? You make us seem like prisoners." Leo replies.

"Sky?" Red says clearly having an idea in his head.

"Not yet Red."

"Why do you think?" Storm says. "We hate this place. We just want to have normal lives. Also, we are treated like shit here."

Sky shots lightning at Storm's arms causing him to scream.

"That's for being rude. At least you have a home."

"A home what we don't!" Storm yells through the pain. Sky shoots another lightning bolt at Storm. Sky stops.

"To bad. If you don't want a home, we'll sell you and your brother, maybe you'll have separate buyers." Sky says. Storm gasp as well as Leo.

"Don't sell us!" Leo pleads waking the chains on the walls. "Please just don't sell us."

"We might if your brother continues with the attitude is doing," Sky says,

"Sky." Storm growls. "I gave you an answer now let us go!" Storm yells.

"Na, you can stay there a bit longer. I don't like your attitude, Storm." Sky says. Red and Sky disperse.

"Leo are you okay?" Storm asks.

"I'm fine. My leg hurts, Red does like his burning skills hey brother." Leo replies.

"I'm sorry Leo." Storm apologizes.

"For what? Technically you didn't give away to where Luka's sister actually is."

"For saying that I've seen her. Now they'll try and make me get close to her so they can snatch her." Storm explains what he's thinking.

"She'll be fine stop worrying already," Leo says. Storm nods at his brother.

Suddenly, Lord Mist appears, causing Leo and Storm to stare at him in shock. Right behind him was Luka.

"Luka! You have to run! They're looking for you!" Leo shouts at him.

"Quiet you fool." Lord mist hisses.

"I'm handing my self over," Luka says.

"They have your sister!" Storm yells at Luka. Causing him to stop going to the door and turn around to face them.

"But they don't know it's her! If you hand your self over they will find out!" Leo continues.

Luka looks at the floor hair covering his face.

"I-I have to do this so they can let her go. They want me because I killed one of them." Luka explains.

"They want justice." Lord Mist says.

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