Is he Soft? {Edited}

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Wind Clan, Haku 3rd person is

Sky and Haku walk down the stone stairs case going to what looks like a basement.

"What do you need with me?" Haku asks as they travel farther down the stairs.

"Answers. That's all I'm going to say." Sky replies.

"Why do you do this? To other clans?" Haku asks. Sky stops walking and pushes Haku on the wall.

"Stop with these damn questions!" Sky yells.

"Did they force you to be here?" Haku asks.

"I said, enough!" Sky yells, and let's go, continues to walk down the staircase.

Haku just followed. Soon they were at a door at the end of the stairs. Sky knocks on the door two times, the door opens showing a man, with brown hair. Far as Haku could see were cages along the wall, tall enough to fit people in.

"Sky this him?"

"Yes, this is Haku," Sky says. "Haku this is Erik."

Haku swallows. As Erik looks at him with a disgusting look.

"Come in then lads." Sky bows and goes in with Haku behind him. With the cages in the room, there was one chair right in the center, with tools all around it. "Haku sit," Erik commands him.

Haku looks at the chair and slowly walks up to it to sit down. The sky was by the tools.

"Do you know why your here Haku?" Erik asks while clearing a knife what was covered with blood.

"No," Haku says.

"Ok, Haku. You helped human years ago didn't you?" Erik says looking at the shiny knife. Haku keeps his eyes on the ground.

"Maybe I did. What does that have to do with this?" Haku replies.

"I ask questions, you don't. What was that human's name?"

"I didn't get close to know," Haku says.

Erik slams his theist on the table of tools. "Don't you dare lie to me. What was the human's name!?"

"Sen. Her name was Sen." Haku answers.

"And what was your relationship with Sen?" Erik asks, he knew Haku was lying.

"Yubaba told me to take her to get her a partner for work. I was Yubaba's apprentice. That's all I did." Haku explains.

"You're a lier." Erik spits.

"I'm not lying."

"Everyone knows the story Haku. Rumors past on to spirit to spirit." Erik says.

"Why are you asking me then?"

"You have a relationship between the human-"

"Her name is C- Sen, stop calling her human," Haku says glaring at Erik.

Erik comes up to Haku and lifts up his chin with the knife "You care about her, I see it in your eyes." Erik comments.

"But Erik-" Sky begins.

"Silence!" Erik yells at Sky. Instantly Sky was quite.

"I don't care about her." Haku spits.

"So you don't mind if I talk to her?" Erik asks.

Haku widens his eyes. "Sure, go ahead."

"Sky, go and get her," Erik commands.

"She's not here," Sky says.

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