My Knight{Edited}

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**Zeniba house.**

Zeniba asks too speak to Haku alone, so Chihiro went outside. Sumi stays inside and listens to what Zeniba wants to say to his master.

The sound of the door closing made it their line to speak.

"So what is it you wanted to tell me?" Haku asks sitting down. Zeniba asked No face to make Haku tea a couple of minutes ago when Haku sat down Zeniba places down a cup of tea.

"Chihiro's spirit name..." Zeniba trails off.

"Yes? What about it?" Haku asks her.

"It's the name of the dragon kings and queen daughter. Decades ago, their daughter's name was Avonmora. That's Chihiro spirit name Haku!" Zeniba explains.

"It doesn't prove anything Zeniba." Haku points out. "Could be just luck. The spirit of life gave Chihiro that name." Haku explains.

"Let's just call them here okay? See what they say." Zeniba suggests.

"Fine." Haku gave in. Zeniba went and got a knife and places it on the table by Haku with a green ball next too it.

Zeniba gave Haku the knife. "Cut your palm, we need a dragon spirit blood to summon them," Zeniba explains. Haku nods and cuts his palm. He squeezes his blood into the ball of water.

Matter of minutes someone came knocking at the door. Haku went up too open it.

When he opens the door, he came face to face with a boy round about Chihiro age and a girl.

"So, you're the one that summoned the Royal dragon family." The boy says.

"Yes, and I hope I didn't disturb anything."

"You didn't." The girl whispers.

"Better come inside," Haku says stepping aside, they walk into Zeniba cottage. The two found an old witch sitting at the table and Sumi leaning against the wall. Haku yells for Chihiro to come in, he heard a reply and saw Chihiro coming in. When she was in, Haku closes the door.

"Who are these people?" Chihiro asks pointing at the boy and the girl.

"Oh, this here is Amane," The boy says pointing at the girl. "I'm Keikou, pleasure to meet you," Keikou says.

"Pleasure to meet you." Amene whispers.

"My name is Haku, this is Chihiro," Haku says pointing at her. "The one by the wall is Sumi, he's a member of my clan. The witch sitting down is Zeniba." Haku introduces.

"What is your business?" Keikou asks.

Zeniba stands up and walks towards them. "Our friend Chihiro, has the spirit name Avonmora," Amene gasp. "The spirit of life gave her that name and gave her the gift of a dragon spirit," Zeniba explains. "Now I know that the Royal family had a daughter called Avonmora. Correct?" Zeniba asks.

"Yes, they took her to the Human world and hid the spirit within her. Spirits wanted to kill Avonmora when she was little because she was always wandering off and was easy to kill. They say if you drank the blood of the king and queen daughter they'll have their power. But it's impossible, Chihiro can't be it." Keikou explains.

Chihiro rushes out of the house to get some air, for some reason she felt like her body was on fire.

"Chihiro?" Sumi says coming outside.

"I'm fine go back inside!" Chihiro yells clutching her stomach.

"If you're sure..." Sumi says closing the door when he gets inside.

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