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Sumi 3 person POV

The four of them waits out side of Haku's prison. Someone was coming from the right, it was Sky.

Kia runs up to Sky and punches him. Sky uses lightning on Kia's feet. Causing her to scream.

"Kia!" Sumi shouts. Samuel pulls him back as he was about to leap towards Kia.

Sky lifts Kia's chin up so she's looking at him directly in the eyes.

"You're from Kohaku clan aren't you?" Sky asks. Kia glares at him. Making Sky sigh. "Judging by your clothes you are."

Sky and Kia disappears. Sumi gasps. The cube above them glows.

"Kia!" Sumi yells. Samuel once again a pulls him back.

"Quite!" Samuel snaps. "They might hear us." Sumi looks worriedly up towards the cube that had his master and his friends inside.

"We need to find a way in fast."

Haku third person

Haku was leaning against the wall: eyes close. Until Sky caught his senses and looks at the direction. Kazima was standing next to Haku.

Haku gasp when he saw Kia.

"Sky," Haku growls. Sky had had elbow around Kia's neck to restrain her. "What's Kia doing here?"

"Oh her? She wanted to come and visit and stay with you. Why? Do you have a problem with that?" Haku clenches his jaw and narrows his eyes at Sky. But didn't say anything. "That's what I thought. Kazima, are you going to join this clan or not?" Sky asks.

"I've told you multiple of times Sky no I am not going to join your clan." Kazima answers.

"Well, others will get hurt, every time you say no." Sky disappears leaving Kia a prisoner. Kia drops down to her knees out of breath because of the tightness of Sky's grip.

Haku intently went up to and put a hand on her shoulder rubbing it slightly for comfort.

"You okay?" Haku asks her.

"Y-yes master Haku I'm fine." Kia answers.

There was a short pause.

"Kia!" Haku snaps. Then sighs, in a much calmer tone he says, "Why are you here?"

A sea of anger was swiped on her face. "Why am I here? You've been gone for four weeks! How can we not be here? We're worried sick! The river has gone gloomy because of your not there! I think you know the answer to your question master Haku." Kia lets out.

"Kia, how else am I oppose to contact you and the others?" Haku asks. Kia opens her mouth to say something but quickly shuts it. "That's what I thought. Kia who else is here with you?"

She flinches. "Sumi. And Samuel." Kazima's eyes widen at his master's name.

"Sumi's here?" Haku questions. Kia nods.

"Anything else?" Kazima asks. Kia looks up at him blushes.

"Samuel mentioned that Chihiro was trying to find him to bring her here."

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