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The bathhouse
Lin was outrage that Zeniba had let Haku go. Who knows what Lord Mist will do to them.

"We have to take this to Yubaba," Zeniba suggests.

"Out of the question." Lin snaps.

Kamaji quietly begins to get back to work, while those two bickers about if they should tell Yubaba.

"Haku would go to Yubaba for the last resort," Lin announces. The witch couldn't do anything but let Lin win the argument.

"What do we do then?" Zeniba asks the group.

Lord Mists Castle 3rd person
Haku's power was draining from him minute by minute. He couldn't even hold his own head. Lord Mist press a button that was by the door, making all of the Spirits that are chained up loses their power.

The chains glow gold: gold liquid flows towards Lord Mist. Dogging Chihiro and Luka. Lord Mists body became gold. The humans became scared. Chihiro rushes towards the red button, determined to turn it off. But once she reaches Lord Mist, he moved his arm out towards Chihiro. Causing her back slamming her into the wall.

"S-stop." Haku barely speaks. His voice was so low you could hardly hear him.

Lord Mist summons his Slave and told him to take Chihiro out of here. The boy did as he was told, Lord Mist lets Chihiro go but the boy drags her out of the room. Leaving Haku and Luka behind.

"Let me go!" Chihiro yells, tugging her arm.

"I can't, he'll beat me to death if I don't do as he says again." The boy says. Before Chihiro could do anything the boy walks faster. Before Chihiro knew it they were back in the room. The boy quickly shoves Chihiro further into the room and slams the door shut. She knew no one would save her if she bangs on the door. So she simply sat on the bed and pulls her legs to her chest. Quitely she whimpers.

"Haku..." She whispers, her body was rocking back and forth. Waiting for him to comfort her. Chihiro hears the door but continues rocking herself. Suddenly, she felt someone touching her shoulder. Her thoughts led to when Haku gave her that blueberry and unbinds her legs. She looks up slowly. "Sumi." She says, next to him was Kia. "Kia."

"Where's Master Haku?" Sumi asks her.

"Sumi!" Chihiro shouts and cries into the young spirit boy. Sumi pulls her away. "Lord Mist has him. Lord Mist wants to transfer the magic power from all of the powerful spirits over to himself." Chihiro explains.

"Sumi we have to get him out now!" Kia shouts at Sumi. He nods.

"Let me come with you," Chihiro says getting out of bed.

"No, Chihiro you'll distract Master Haku. Causing him to die, do you want that?" Kia asks her.

"Kia!" Sumi gasp, but was being ignored,

"Of cause, I don't want him to die..., but I'll help."

"He won't, Kia is just talking nonsense," Sumi says.

"I'm not Sumi! And you know it! He'll give up his life to be with her!" Kia spoke as if Chihiro wasn't there.

"Come on let's get Master Haku. With or without Chihiro, Kia." Sumi decides. Kia glares at him.

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