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Spirit of Lies and Promises:

Chihiro and Haku land softly on the grass Haku had Chihiro's hand in his. But as soon as they saw Samuel they let go of hands.

Samuel has a wide smile of joy on his face when he saw Chihiro safe.

"Welcome back Chihiro," Samuel bows to Haku. "Thank you for bringing her home safe."

"No problem. But Samuel, you have to keep her safe. I'm going back to the Wind Clan, my clan is there." Haku explains.

"I will keep her safe. Where's Neo?" Samuel questions.

"He's at the cube, he couldn't use his teleportation magic to get us out. Neo gave us a plan to get Chihiro away as the wind clan is looking for her and her brother."

"You left Neo there?!" Samuel shouts.

"Samuel, it was either Chihiro or Neo. Chihiro is the one who the Wind Clan is searching for." Haku explains, Samuel sighs.

"I'm sorry that I snapped I'm just stressed right now." Samuel apologizes. "Chihiro go inside," Samuel commands, Chihiro nods and walks slowly inside looking at Haku as she walks past him. Haku gave a smile, she gave one back.

Chihiro was inside now, "You said that when it's over you'll take her back." Samuels says in a warning tone.

"It didn't come up."

"You promised me Haku. You should know better not to lie to the spirit of Lies and promises. I can tell it was about to come up, you just was afraid to say it." Samuel explains.

"It isn't over Samuel." Haku spits.

"It is for her," Samuel Says.

"Samuel! They are looking for Chihiro." Haku explains. "It is not over. "


As soon as Chihiro walks in Yuki screams her name and hugs her. "Your back!" Chihiro laughs and nods.

"Yep, I'm back."

All of a sudden they could hear arguing from our side. Yuki sighs.


"Let's just leave them to argue," Yuki says.

"You sure?"

Yuki nods. "It's for the best. By the way hows Neo?"

"He's...Doing great." Chihiro replies with a smile.

"That's good I'm worried about him."

"He's the one that came up with the plan to get me out," Chihiro explains.

Yuki smiles, "Neo is always the one that comes up with ideas. I miss him." Yuki confesses.

Chihiro nudges Yuki shoulder."Yuki stop worrying, He'll be fine."

Yuki nods. Haku and Samuel came in, Haku had bruises on his skin.

"Haku!" Chihiro shouts running up to him. "Why do you have bruises?"

"Ask Samuel."

Chihiro looks at Samuel. "Care to explain?" Chihiro asks him.

"He didn't keep his promise, if you make a promise to me then there will be consequences."

"That's a dumb rule, Samuel."

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