Yabaki- The Earth Kepper{Edited}

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Lord Mist starts laughing and clicks his fingers.
"You came, you actually came." Lord Mist laughs. "Follow me, to your death! Haku!"

"Chihiro, I had loved you for as long as you came to this world." Haku starts.

"No time to say goodbyes, Haku."

Haku places his forehead against Chihiro's. "I'll come back promise."

"She's coming as well Haku." Lord Mist says. Haku nods and grabs Chihiro's Hand. Walking her over to Lord Mist.

Lord Mist walks out following behind was Chihiro and Haku. "Haku, what's going on?" Chihiro whispers to Haku.

"Lord Mist wants to have the most powerful element spirits. Then drain all of their magical power from them, all at once. Transferring it to him." Chihiro's eyes widen in fear she grabs onto Haku's arm.

"Don't do this, please!" Chihiro begs. After getting her head round of what Haku said.

"Chihiro," Haku said warning. Lord Mist just ignored her. They were going down the elevator. Luka was there looking into space.

The elevator stopped and the door opened, it was like Kamaji's room. Lord Mist had spirits hanging on the wall next to each other with their head down. Haku's eyes widen in fear. There is one left in the corner, two chains for Haku.

Haku started to walk forward but Chihiro hugs him from behind. "Please don't go." She mumbles into his shirt. "I only just found you."

"I know," Haku says, a spirit laughs, Haku shot his head up. The spirit had an old block beard, with a blockhead, a tree growing out of it.

"Quit it old hag. Your life will be mine anyway." Lord Mist command. The old spirit lowered his head.

Haku gasp realizing who that was. "You're the Keeper of the Yabaki forest aren't you? The most powerful earth user." Haku says.

"I don't deserve that title anymore, lad." Lord Mist sighs and grabs Chihiro from behind- making her scream, struggling out of Lord Mist's hand. Haku spun around and got into a battle mode.

"I'll go just don't hurt her," Haku says slowly, moving slowly backward till he was in the corner. The chains move by themselves and grabbed Haku's hands pulling him up, Haku's back slams against the wooden wall.

"Haku!" Chihiro screams, Lord Mist tightened his hand on Chihiro. Haku grunts in pain at the sudden impact.

"Good boy." Lord Mist praises him, as if he was a dog and just learned a new trick. "These chains are blocking for you to use your magic."

Haku was dropping his head down a bit. Chihiro bit Lord Mist hand, and ran up to Haku trying to get the chains off. "You stupid Human Brat." Lord Mist hisses and placed a black bubble so Chihiro couldn't move.

"Please...Leave her alone. She was only trying to protect me." Haku begs. Lord Mist flicks his fingers making Chihiro collapse on the ground.

"Haku, whatever you do. Don't lose hope." Chihiro whispers so only Haku can hear. Luka came into the room and bows to Lord Mist. "What do you want Luka?"

"You said you won't hurt her."

"She's not hurt just bruised is all." Lord Mist shrugs like it's not a big thing.

"She's my sister though!" Luka accidentally shouts.

Chihiro stood up painfully. "Chihiro stay down." Haku hisses at her, but she shook her head. Chihiro went back over to Haku and unties the chains, he collapses into her arms but makes a speedy recovery.

"You're my brother?" Chihiro asked. Luka nods.

"How's that possible?" Haku whispers.

"They abandon him, leaving the baby by the spirit gate. I just took him in." Chihiro was frozen in disbelief.

"No!" Chihiro shouts. "No! You're lying!They would never do that! Not to their flesh and blood!"

Lord Mist smirks and a sword appears in his hand, he swiftly grabs Luka placing the sword to Luka's neck. Chihiro froze.

"Let him go." She growls. Some of the spirits raised their head to look at the scene. Yabaki- the earth spirit; kept his head down. Haku silently went back the same thing happens his back slams on the wall but this Time making the wood from it crack.

Lord Mist realizes Luka and pushes him forward to Chihiro. Chihiro span round and found Haku's head slightly dropping down. "Haku!" Chihiro shouted.

The Bathhouse
Lin went to Kamaji and explains what's happening. She becomes worried as Chihiro is like a sister to her. Lin starts to ramble on at the boiler man, he took a step back of working and used his spider legs to turn around.

"What if-" Lin was cut off by Kamaji.

"Lin I'm sure they're fine, stop worrying." The boiler man turns around. "Six bath tokens at once," Kamaji taps on the side getting the Soot Balls attention. "Come on you little rats, back to work!" He shouts.

"There's been talk that Lord Mist has most of the powerful element User." Lin starts Kamaji froze this point he thought of Haku. "We all know that Haku is the most powerful Air and as well as Water User Kamaji! Lord Mist must've have taken Chihiro to lower him there!"

The old boiler man sighs. "I'm afraid you might be right." After that, he starts to work.


A paper flew in one it lands, a hologram of Zeniba merges out. "I have some awful news."

"Zeniba what is it?" Lin asks. Zeniba explains what happened at her hut.

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