"Don't Hate Me For My Actions"

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Lin took Sumi to the storehouse where Zeniba stores her herbs. She begins to search for the healing herbs as Sumi took a seat on the stool.

"This is all my fault...Kia was right I can't defend Master Haku by myself," Sumi admits.

"Your better fighting as a team than on your own. Plus, you three are similar to Haku. You go into battle without thinking, you want to protect friends, but you are also ignorant of what your actions coast." Lin says laying out the. Herbs she needs.

"I'm sorry to be a burden to you," Sumi announces.

"Haku and I go way back, he owes me as I owe him, call this an IOU situation," She suggests, lighting up his top where the wound is, she gently place some leaves (herbs) on his chest. Sumi flinches a bit by the sudden coldness of Lins' hand. 

"Thank you,"

"You're welcome Sumi. Let's head back shall we?" Sumi nods and walks back with Lin to the cottage.

When they got in Haku was sat next to Chihiro on the sofa. "You're not actually going to let her go back to three human world are you?" Lin asks, seeing his face when he looks down at her.

"Yes I am, she's been through to much danger already and we are about to face another threat. I would like her home- for her own protection." Haku answers honestly.

"I know the human world Haku, I can protect her in my cat form," Lin says.

"Thank you, Lin,"

"Cat form?" Kia asks.

"Lin is a lion spirit, therefore, she can transform into any cat. She can use that ability when going to the human world." Haku explains.

"But master-"

"This is for Chihiro's safety. To make sure she will stay in the human world I would have to take her memories away." Haku says.

"What!? Why !?" Lin yells.

"For her protection."

Chihiro wakes up on the couch. "Haku...What happened..."

"Nothing you need to worry about. You are going home- back to the human world," Haku says.

"Wait for what?" Chihiro starts, Haku stops her.

"Lin is going to go with you," Haku announces.

"Just so you know he didn't consult with us about this," Lin says. "I am against this."

"Yeah well, we need to focus on Chihiro's safety. She just got her hair life cord cut, a tiny part Lin. When they did that to her we know she is now a target." Haku lectures her.

"Wait, don't I have a say in this?"

"No. Your safety is my main protection. The other spirts aren't strong enough to travel through. You'll be safe there." Haku states.

"You serious? You can't control my life Haku!" Chihiro yells.

"Chihiro- just calm down," Kia says as Chihiro walks out.

"That went well," Sumi announces, everyone turns to him and sighs.

"I'll speak to her..." Haku says about to go after Chihiro But is stop by Lin.

"Trust me, she doesn't want to see you right now Haku. I'll go and talk to her since I wasn't the one trying to make her leave."

"Fine," Haku turns around and heads outside to the back. 

Lin ventures out to seek out Chihiro. It didn't take her long as she was leaning over the fence- crying. "Chihiro?" Lin approaches her and rubs her back.

"Does he hate me that much?" She manages to say through her sounds of sobbing. 

"No. No, he doesn't Chihiro. Men, well they have a funny way of expressing their feelings. Haku only wants to see you safe, in his eyes, this is the only way. You won't be alone Chihiro I'll be in the Human world with you." Chihiro's arms were round Lin still crying.

'You are still a child aren't you?' Lin thought as she placed her hands round Chihiro. 

"When I was a child- back in the human world- something triggered my memory of this place- The hair band. I- I don't want to forget again." Chihiro confesses between her tears. Lin just nods and guides her back to the cottage. 

As they enter Haku goes up to them. "It's time, keep her safe Lin." 

"I will Haku, I promise." 

"I'll take you to the gate." Once he was outside, Haku transforms into his dragon. Chihiro's tears were muffled though Lin's clothes, Lin slowly got up on Haku's body and held on tight with Chihiro in front of her. Once they were secured Haku took flight and flew off into the darkness. By the time they got to the gate the sun was beginning to rise leaving a breathtaking view of orange and red, as they got off him Haku transforms back into a human.

Chihiro ran up to Haku and hugged him."Haku...please I-I don't want to go..." Chihiro sobs into his clothes.

"I'm sorry...It's for the best. I don't want this either Chihiro...but you've seen how cruel spirits can be to each other... there are too many dangers her for you, I want you safe. The human world is safer than the spirit world. Please understand. Don't hate me for my actions," He places his hand on her head and begins to mumble words, to cast a spell. Chihiro collapse into Haku. "I'm sorry. Lin- take care of her, if anything happens to her, use her hairband to context me."

"I will. I promise," Lin promises as Haku passes Chihiro's body to her. 

"Now go before the gate closes," Lin nods and takes Chihiro through the abandoned station and places Chihiro on the ground.  Lin transforms into a white and black cat, going out of site as Chihiro wakes up.

"Where am I?" Chihiro questions. Lin emerges from the bushes looking at her. "A cat? Hey, do you know the way out of this wood?" Lin got up and leads Chihiro towards the roads. "Thank you! Much appreciated, now I have to go to the store and get dinner sorted." With that she goes, leaving Lin with her head bowed in shame, guilt and sorrow. 


Authors Note

It's been amazing writing this, hopefully, you guys enjoyed it as well, unfortunately, this story has come to an end. 


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