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"No!" I shouted at my boss, Dan Howell. "You have to!" He shouted back, this time pounding his fist on the table top.

He wanted me to go back to the asylum and talk more to Harry, because he liked my first story so much. I stood up from the leather chair i was sitting in.

I slammed my hands on the table. "If i do, I want a promotion." He pinched the bridge of his nose with his fingers. "Ugh...fine." He threw his hands up. "Fine. Just go."

"Thank you."
I woke up. The nurse must've put me out again. I'm chained to the stupid chair again, with my face mask.

"She always hurts you."It told me.

"I need to stop her." I replied. "Kill her next time you see her."

"I can't." "Yes you can, you have more power than her."  I gritted my teeth. "No I don't! Shut the fuck up!" I yelled.

I heard it echo throughout the room. I tried pulling away from the chains, but nothing happened. "Kill her. Your pathetic. You won't harm a fly." I tried pulling away from the chains again.

"I've killed so many people, and you are who's told me to kill them." "And don't you like it? Feeling powerful?"

"Yes." "Then kill her." I smirked. I waited for that door to open, but it wouldn't. I tugged at the chains again hoping they would come off.

The room was cold and dark. There was no light. The only thing i could see was my unpicked over lunch. Why would they give me food if they knew i couldn't eat it?

"Call her in." "How many times do i have to tell you, I can't fucking call her in!" I shouted at it. "You're so pathetic and puny, stop being so small, and make yourself into something."

"Shut up! Stop talking to me! I don't want to hear you today!" I yelled louder. "But I can't go away, I'll never leave. I just stay and watch you suffer, just like I did when your family died."

I freaked out, struggling to remove the chains. "Shut the fuck up, don't ever talk about them!" I shouted extremely loud. "What am i making you vulnerable?"

"Leave me alone!" I shouted, a tear going down my face. Fuck they were making me vulnerable. I heard the locks of the door.

I gave up with the chains. I sat there, tired, in the metal chair. The food soon started to smell. I was starving I haven't eaten in a week, because they only feed me weekly. They give me water everyday.

The nurse walked in. "Kill her." I shook my head. "Stop, please." I cried. "Like i said, i never leave. I like watching you suffer."

"Harry why aren't you eating?" She asked. She pissed me off. "Well maybe you should feed it to me." I responded.

She picked up the plate. "Well you'll have to wait until next week." "Whatever." "Harry what's wrong? Your not acting like yourself." She asked.

"That's none of your damn business." I spat at her. "Well anyways, Louis is coming back, he needs to interview you again." I sighed.

"Now you can kill him this time."

I ignored them. My head hurt. Like always. Another tear rolled down my face. "Harry, what's wrong?" She asked setting the food back on the ground, and walking up to me.

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