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(the picture is what Louis is wearing)

After I discovered that Harry does have a chance of dying, I wanna make his final 12 days worth it. After I last saw him, and we almost kissed. I did some research.

There were many articles about him living water parks, when he was little, and beaches. So I bought kinetic sand, because it looked cool.

Then I found an evaluation from the police. It said he was currently 22 years old, and 5'11. So i guess I could buy him shoes or something.

I read somewhere that he would always read Batman comic books. So I bought him Batman comic books. He liked The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, Fleetwood Mac, and he liked a few boy bands which i was surprised by.

I bought him Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, and album by The Beatles, and bought him a Rolling Stones t-shirt.

I hope he likes my gifts. I want to make it special for him. I feel a way around him I've never felt around anyone. I wanna feel that way forever.

I may have a small...ok maybe huge crush on him, but I don't really wanna let him know. Of course i'll tell him eventually, just not quite yet.

I grabbed all the stuff and put it in a duffel bag. I swung the bag over my shoulder and headed over to my car parked on the sidewalk.

I put the duffel in the passenger seat, as I sat in the driver's seat. I checked my phone for  a minute. Nothing there. I put my phone back in my pocket and started the ignition.


It was noon, Harry was probably 'busy.' So I waited. I waited in front of the counter. The nurse asked why I was standing there. I said, "Isn't he 'busy'?" She rolled her eyes and nodded.

I already wrote my name on the visitors list. I waited about 10 minutes until I saw him being wheeled down to his room.

The nurse led me down to his room. She unlocked the locks, and we entered the cold room. She closed the door behind me, and me and Harry were alone again.

I sat down in front of him and put the duffel bag in front of me. He asked what was in the bag. "Stuff." I responded, smiling. I opened the zipper.

I took out the kinetic sand. He laughed, I liked his laugh it was cute. "Why do you have sand?" I took out a pail, shaped like a castle, and the trowel. I put the sand in the pail and took it out so it looked like a castle.

Harry laughed. "Why did you bring a bunch of beach things?" "Because you like the beach." I responded. Then I took out the comic books.

He gasped. "I love those books!" He shouted in excitement. I've never seen him this happy before. "My mum would always buy them for me when I was really good."

"Well you've been a good boy lately." He laughed. "If i'm in here, I haven't."  We laughed. I took out the album. He gasped again.

"I love the Beatles! That's like my favorite album!" I smiled. "Don't you like it too?" He asked. I nodded, while I was smiling. "I like Fixing a Hole." I said.

"Oh that's good one! I like Strawberry Fields Forever, or Lucy in The Sky With Diamonds." He replied. "Well duh everyone likes Lucy In The Sky with Diamonds!" We laughed.

I could tell he was smiling, but I couldn't see with the mask. I then took out the t-shirt. "Louis!" He shouted. "Why did you get all this stuff?!"

"Because I want you happy." I responded. I could tell he was smiling. "Louis..." He started, "Im always happy If I know I'll see you." I smiled.

"I make you happy?" I asked. "Louis, your the best thing that's ever happened to me since my family died. Since then, everything had been a complete nightmare, then you came along."

"Thanks." I smiled looking at my hands. "Louis" I looked up at him. "Could we maybe go on a date, like you know when I'm out of here." He winked. "Yes of course." I responded.

I kissed his cheek. He blushed. I heard the nurse opening the door. I put all the stuff in the duffel bag, and gave Harry the bag, although he couldn't really do anything with it.

The nurse opened the door, and gestured for me to leave. I waved at Harry and he nodded. I walked down the hall and left the building, as I entered my car.

I grabbed my phone. I dialed my mum's number. It rang, for a long time, and went to voicemail, like always.

"Hey mum, Its Louis. It was great seeing Lottie the other day. I still wanna know what's wrong, I hope your safe, and healthy. I wish you would return my calls one of these days, but whatever you like. I liked hearing your voice the other day. It gave me hope. I haven't heard your voice in probably 7 years. Last time I had a conversation with you was when I was 18, and about to leave for uni. Well I thought I'd update you. I met a great guy, that I really like. His name is Harry. I know what you're thinking 'Harry the psychopath?!' and yes it is that Harry. He's not a psychopath either. Hes the sweetest, most gentle, human being ever. And mostly, he makes me happy. He's
gonna die, though. In 12 days. But I refuse to believe that. Anyways, I love you mum! Bye."

I hung up. I sighed. Then i shook it off and started driving home.


"Louis I can't believe your leaving! You need to call me as soon as you get there." My mum said. I smiled. "Of course I will!"

"I'm gonna miss you guys." I said hugging my mum. "Oh we'll be fine, just take care of yourself." We released.

"Mum! The washing machine isn't working!" My younger sister, Fizzy, shouted. "I'm coming, honey!"

The cab outside honked for me. "Mum!" I shouted trying to fit in one last goodbye. It honked more. I put my hand on the door knob.

"Ok mum, I'll see you later I guess! I love you!" I shouted. I waited a few seconds to see if she was coming, but she never came.

I sighed. I opened the door with my bags in my hands. I put them in the trunk of the car, and got in the passenger seat. I looked at the house I lived in my whole life.

This was it, I'm on my own now. He started to drive the cab and I watched my neighborhood go by for the last time.

End of Flashback•

I got home. I reflected on my memories. I thought I'd see them again for sure. I thought I was going to be happy. But my live is just boring. Harry is finally exciting.

I don't care if he doesn't do anything but sit there and talk. He finally made me have a spark in my boring life. Everyday is the same for me.

I wake up. Get dressed, same hairstyle every day, same breakfast; toast. I go to work in my old car, and work all day. I go home, make food or order food. Then go to sleep.

I don't wanna live like this. I want excitement. I was never a boring person. I get so excited when the press makes me interview someone. I don't even care who it is.

One time I interviewed a carpet manufacturer. And found enjoyment out of it. When I met Harry, that was way beyond my fence. He made me interested. He gave me excitement.

I don't wanna lose that happiness. I love being around him. I never want him to leave. I feel like if he left, I'll lose that person who inspired me. That person who changed my life. Who made it better.

All we do is talk, but I feel like that's enough. It's 30 minutes a day, but I love it. I want to save him. I want to save him like he saved me from this horrible world.

He hasn't given up. And neither have I.

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