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I took the pill and the voices stopped. I calmed down. I washed my face in the bathroom. When I looked in the mirror, I didn't see myself, I saw a pale caged creature waiting to be freed.

I'm out of prison. Why do I steal feel trapped? I guess it doesn't help being in solidarity confinement for 3 years, and having your heart ripped out of your chest.

I leaned over the sink. I looked at the sink, because I couldn't look in the mirror anymore. Halsey walked in, with a cigarette in her hand.

"What's wrong?" She asked. Everything. I couldn't live here, not without them, not without Liam. "Nothing." I replied. I looked up at her and left the bathroom.

I entered the kitchen, I looked at the box of chocolates. It was dusty, and was in a heart shape. He probably got it because valentine's day just ended then.

He was cheesey like that. A small smile grew on my face when I remembered all the great moments we had. Our stupid little inside jokes, how he made fun of me when I acted silly, and when we made up stupid games when we had nothing to do.

He was there for me for everything, when I was sick, when it was raining, when I got bullied. He wasn't there that last day, because he was sick. I should've stayed home, maybe I could've stopped the murderer, I could've been taking care of Liam.

He did everything for me, he was my only friend. Then what did I do to repay him? Kill him. Kill the poor guy. I was never like that, I was always that weird funny guy, that was likeable. Now everyone is scared of me.

The day I got taken away will always haunt me. The way I suffered, how everything flashed right before my eyes.


I sat there on the floor, next to Liam, dead, and I was covered in blood. "Aren't you proud of yourself?" "I just killed my best friend! What did he do?" I yelled.

"He triggered you." I covered my face with my hands, feeling the cold blood against my face. Why did I do this? I cried into my bloody palms.

I never want to move, I just wanna be here with him. I wanna stay with him. "He's dead, you imbecile." "No he isn't!" I shouted, not caring who heard.

"Yes he is, now get rid of him." "Never, Im never leaving him, he never left me, I'm not leaving him." I continued to cry, but then I heard sirens.

They can't be here for me. "Kill them." I ignored it, or at least tried to. They got louder as they got closer.

I grabbed Liam's pale hand, then I hid my head in his chest, sobbing. "I'll never leave, Liam, never." I cried more and more.

I heard the police enter. They walked around a little. Then one of them entered the kitchen, where Liam and I were. "Put your arms up!" He shouted.

I couldn't move. "You heard me, put them up!" He yelled. The other cop yelled at me to put them up to, but I couldn't. I couldn't move.
I tried and tried, but they wouldn't budge.

The other cop kicked me off of Liam's body. I laid on the ground, looking at the cop. He asked me something, but everything went silent.

"They know you killed him."

He repeated it again, but I couldn't hear. They grabbed me by the arms, and looked angry. They knew. They threw me on the ground and kicked my chest. It reminded me of that last day at school.

They picked me back up and tried to move me out of the house. I yelled for Liam, I shouted and shouted Liam's name. I didn't want to leave, I said I'd never leave him.

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