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*1 week later*
"Hello again, Mr. Tomlinson." The nurse said. I nodded. My jaw was still wired together. "I have some good news." I smiled.

"Firstly today, your gonna be discharged, and also," He handed me a letter. Harry got my letter. And he replied.

I can also finally leave, and visit Harry, and help him. I smiled and nodded at the nurse, thanking him. He smiled back and left.

I opened the letter, it read:

Hello, Louis. It was nice of you to send me a note. I can't believe I'm back in here. What you said to me was nice, but I don't think it's gonna happen. I'm sorry, I really wish it would happen, but I know it won't. I know I promised my family I'd stay for them, and I will try as hard as I can, but until anyone can say otherwise, this is it. I'm going to die in 2 weeks. I hate to think of it like that, but it's true. You can always come to my death viewing. It's in the basement. They're gonna gas me to death. Thank you.


I needed to get out of here. That boy thinks he's gonna die. I know he isn't. All that fighting shouldn't go to waste.

I waited for a long time until the doctor came back. "I'm going to remove your wires, I can do it right here, I just have to numb your mouth."

He took out a syringe. He placed the needle in my mouth, as I felt an uncomfortable sharp pain in my mouth. Then I didn't feel anything.

He removed the wires, and I could open my mouth again. "Your mouth will be numb for 30 minutes so you might slur in your speech." I nodded feeling the numbness in my mouth.

He made me sign a few papers, then walked me out in a wheelchair which wasn't needed, because I was able to drive home safely.

When I got home, I remembered how lonely I was. I liked it when Lottie visited me. I haven't heard from her in years.

I checked my watch, it was about 30 minutes since I was at the hospital. I tried talking and my voice was pretty normal.

I picked up my phone, then dialed my mum's phone number. It was ringing and ringing, like always, but someone picked up this time.

"Louis" It was my mum. I smiled. "Mummy!" I shouted in the phone, i covered my mouth in awe. "You answered!" "Hi Louis." She didn't sound as excited as me.

"Mum, what's wrong?" I asked, feeling tears come down from my eyes. I haven't heard her voice in such a long time, it was strange.

"Louis" She repeated herself. "Yes?" I heard her sniffing on the phone she was probably crying. "Mum are you ok?" I asked, worriedly.

"Goodbye, Louis." She spoke. "No! Mum! Don't hang up! Talk to me!" I shouted. But the line was flat. I threw my phone on the couch.

I threw a pillow across the room. I gripped my hair, and cried. I grabbed my keys and got in my car. I headed to the asylum.


"Can I see Harry Styles, Please?" I asked the nurse. "I'm sorry he's busy." She replied. "Doing what? He's fucking locked up, how is he busy?" I slammed my hand on the desk.

"Sir, he's busy, You cannot visit right now." She gave me an angry look. Then I heard a loud noise behind me. I turned around.

I saw Harry laying on a stretcher, he was awake. There was the warden wheeling him down the hallway. He noticed me and his eyes widened.

"Louis!" He shouted, but then one of the doctors next to the stretcher put his face mask on. "Louis!" He shouted again.

His arms were strapped to the table and so were his legs and his body. He was wheeled to his cell at the end of the hallway.

"What about now?" I asked the nurse. She rolled her eyes. "Fine." She handed me a sheet of paper that was titled "Visitors" It only had my name on it.

I wrote my name again, next to Harry's name. She led me to Harry's room. And opened all the small little locks. She opened the door and I saw Harry on the ground.

Locked up. His head raised and we joined eyes. He gave me a weak smile, almost like he was too weak to give me a normal smile.

I walked up to him. The nurse closed the door. I sat in front of him. The key to the face mask was right next to him. I grabbed it.

I unlocked his face mask. "Are you ok?" I asked. He nodded. I knew he was lying. I stroked his cheek. I think he saw the hurt in my eyes, about my mum.

"Louis, what's wrong?" He said with a crack in his voice. I shrugged and felt the tears coming on. As one fell i wiped it away.

"My mum." His eyes widened. "What's wrong with your mum?" I told him about how she wouldn't call me for a long time and when she finally did, she hung up.

"I don't know what's wrong." I wiped away more tears. "Louis hug me." He demanded as I did as he asked. He was warm, and cold, and was very boney, but for some reason the hug just felt right, even though he didn't hug back.

I released. "Thank you." He nodded. I saw a tear fall from his face. "Harry, why are you crying?" I asked.

"It's just...The last person who hugged me was Liam...right before I killed him." I put my hand on his shoulder.

"Do you still hear voices?" I asked. "That's funny actually." He chuckled. "I haven't heard voices since I got shocked yesterday. It's like they shocked the voices out." He chuckled.

"Well that's great! Now you won't die right?" I smiled, but it faded fast as he shook his head. "It doesn't change anything. I'm gonna die no matter what."

"No, no you won't, I promise. I never break any promises." "How?" He asked with tears running down his face.

I gave a weak smile. I know he won't die, I've just always felt a way around him. Like he's part of me. Like he's my missing half.

The hug just felt...right, like I'm meant to do that everyday. "Harry" I spoke. "What?" "Do you want to die?" He shook his head.

"Are you willing to fight?" I asked. "I'll do anything to stay alive. I just want a second chance, I'm just scared I'll screw it all up."

"You won't screw it up, and you know why?" I placed both of my hands on his shoulders. He shrugged. "Because I'll be with you, every step of the way." I smiled.

He smiled back. I leaned in, like we were about to kiss, and so did he. Then the nurse opened the door. "Your times up, Louis!" My head turned in her direction.

I nodded. "I'll see you tomorrow." I said as I winked at Harry. I saw him smile to himself. I'm happy I could make him smile like that, I'm glad i'm the source of his happiness. I'll show him how to be happy again.

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