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I pulled on the chains, wishing to escape. It was hurting, I wanted it gone. "Like I said, I never leave." "Just Calm down." I told myself.

I gave up on pulling the chains. I told a breath. In, then out. I loosened my fists, and loosened my stiff back.

They got rid of my chair. Now all I can do is sit on the ground, with both of my legs strapped together, my arms chained to the wall, my neck chained to the wall, and my metal face mask, also chained to the wall. At least they removed my straitjacket.

"Escape." I ignored it, or at least tried to. "You can't ignore it, I'm part of you." I breathed a little harsher.

It's so hard to be calm, when it just won't stop speaking. "Talk to me, you know you want to."
I shut my eyes. My mum always told me that if I closed my eyes, and focused on peace, I could always calm down.

I focused on nothing, just breathing. "You still can't escape from me...you never will." I clenched my teeth.

I was rigid. I was also immobile. I couldn't do anything. This is the 4th week I haven't ate. The new nurse doesn't know how to feed me.

I've lost my strength, soon I'll probably die, because of starvation. Many people here have died from starvation, the nurses are idiots.

I've gone numb, but then I realized this is the longest time i've gone without the voices speaking. I opened my eyes.

"Oh did you miss me?" I coughed. I haven't drank anything in a day. My throat was dry, I coughed out nothing.

The nurse opened the door. "It's time for your bathroom break!" She smiled that fake smile. I hated how fake she was.

She walked over to me, and took her key and unlocked every lock. She took the chains in her hand, then opened the door.

"Escape! Or kill her."

It was bright. I only get to go to the bathroom daily. When I got up, my legs were barely able to move. I've lost so much strength.

I just want to eat, and drink. I walked by the crazy people in their cells, just banging on their cells. They were loud, it hurt my ears.

"Kill the inmates." "No, there's no purpose to that." "The feeling of power." "I can't feel power, I can't even feel strength. All I can feel is my weakness, so shut up."

"Ok, Harry." We arrived at the filthy bathroom. It smelt horrible.


She locked me up to every lock again. The neck chains were tighter, and it hurt. "Can you loosen the chains around my neck?" I asked her as she was about to leave.

"No, sorry, they told me to put them tighter." I rolled my eyes. She left and locked all the locks. "They're trying to kill you." I ignored it.

"You should kill them." I closed my eyes, hoping it would go away for just a few seconds. "Doesn't hurt to think that you and the murder of your family are so alike now?"

I've had enough. "You made me like that!" I shouted. "You made yourself like that! I just tell you to kill, your the one who actually kills." "If I don't kill, you would just drive me crazier." I shouted.

"Even when I'm sleeping, you wake me up, when I dream about what life would be like without you, you wake me up, and remind me that it will never happen, that you're never going away."

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