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*1 Year Later*

I walked over to the cemetery. The usual grey weather in London, so I had a large coat on. In my pocket, i kept a familiar photograph, and in the other one i had a special gift. I walked across the dry grass.

I walked by my mum's gravestone. I frowned when seeing it. My mum probably would've wanted me at her own funeral. But I wasted invited. It was my birthday today. I didn't expect much.

Then I sat down in front of a gravestone. It read, 'Here Lies Harry Edward Styles, 1994-2017, He fought so hard, only to have his fighting stop'

"Hi Harry." I spoke. Wishing I could be holding his hand, sitting in his lap, and feeling his heart beat. "It's my birthday today. I wish you could be here."

I folded my hands together, and crossed my legs. "I have something for you." I smiled weakly. I took a gold ring out of my pocket. I saw my reflection in it.

Then I put it onto the grass in front of the grave. "Will you marry me?" I asked, knowing there wouldn't be a respond. I chuckled to myself.

"Well guess what, I'm adopting. It's really hard to when your the only parent, you know...filling out the paperwork and that shit." I chuckled, tears filling my eyes.

"He's going to be born soon. 1 Month exactly. The girl carrying the baby is extremely lovely. I don't have feelings for her at all though. It's a boy." I started twisting the grass.

"His name is Harry." I smiled, watching tears drop into the grass. I sniffed, trying to hold back the tears, although they fell freely.

I covered my face with my hands. They were cold, and My face hurt. "Harry you didn't deserve this. You didn't deserve to get tortured, and have your family die, then when you tried to do good, you died."

My hands dragged down and fell off my face. Then wiped my tears. "Harry you know when people are in love in the movies and they say, 'I can't imagine my life with you.' ?"

"Well I couldn't either. But now I'm living my life without you." I wanted so badly to be with him it hurt. I wanted to hold his hand, I wanted to kiss him and feel his soft lips perfectly connect to mine.

"You were only 22." I frowned. "You had a whole life ahead of you." I wanted his embrace. "When you looked in the mirror, you saw a reckless, pale, skinny, psycho, shell of a man, that you used to be. But when I saw you, I saw a gorgeous, cute, dorky, friendly, kid, who was the definition of love."

I smiled. "I loved you so much Harry." Tears fell again. "Why is the world so cold, and cruel?" I pulled out the picture from my pocket, and smiled when I saw it.

"I hope your happy...I hope you and Gemma tease each other, I hope your mum tells you stories, like she used to. I hope you and Liam mess around. I bet Liam thinks your so cool."

I smiled. I looked at the photo. "This boy went through so much." I looked at the six year old Harry, grinning. "He never knew how much his life was gonna change."

I put my hands in my pocket. Then when i reached down a little deeper, I felt something, a piece of paper. I furrowed my eyebrows.

I pulled it out. It was a piece of folded binder paper with scribbles all over it. I opened it, it was the note I gave to Harry when he went back into the asylum when I was in the hospital.

I smiled. It was the 'rough draft.' I read over it. It said:

Dear Harry,
I'm so worried about you. I just got admitted to the hospital, I've gotten a cracked jaw. They wired it up and everything. I'm not mad at you, though. I should've left when you asked. Your not gonna die. I'm promising you. You can't die. I'm going to try and visit you as soon as i get out. I'm gonna visit you every single day. Hang in there, you'll be fine:)
-Louis X

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