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I fed him each spoon full, as he ate down the weird looking white food. I had no idea what it was, but if it would save his life, I would shove it down bis throat.

He eventually ate the whole thing. They took his face mask off so he could eat. He looked a lot better without the metal object covering his face.

I saw him twitch, he was probably hearing the voices again. He seemed in shock. I held his hand, and whispered, "shh, shh, you're going to be fine."

He stopped twitching. He looked at me with his glass-like eyes. "Thank you, Louis." He said, normally for once. "You're welcome." I smiled.

The nurse came in, and slammed the door behind her. "Ok Harry, it's time to put your mask back on."

I stood in front of her. "Why does he even need a mask?" I asked crossing my arms. "So he doesn't attack people with his mouth." She replied. "But he hasn't attacked anyone with his mouth." I argued.

She shrugged. "So then why give him a mask, when a ton of other people actually need it, because they eat people." She rolled her eyes. "Fine, I won't give him the mask."

I smiled, uncrossing my arms. "Thank you." She turned around and headed for the door. "Oh and one more thing!" I silently shouted.

She turned around looking irritated. I whispered in her ear, "I'll pay you if you give him pills." She whispered back, "How much?" I told her a high price. She smirked at me. "Ok, I can do that." She excited the room.

I walked across the room, hearing my silent steps, Harry looked up at me, smiling. I've never seen him smile, it was beautiful, he had his cute dimples popping out, and his eyebrows lifted.

"Thank you so much." He spoke slowly. I smile back. "You're welcome." "What were you whispering about?" He asked, with a raspy voice.

I shrugged and pouted my bottom lip. "You'll find out." I sat down in front of him, the ground was cold. "So can you get out of here?" I asked tilting my head.

"Yeah, If you can prove you're not crazy, you can get on parole." His head twitched. He clenches his fists. The voices were probably really loud this time.

"Hey, hey" I said calmly, as I stroked his leg. He slowly stopped twitching. "I guess that's not gonna happen." He frowned.

He looked at me. "How come, whenever i'm around you, you can calm the voices down?" I looked back at him. "I don't know."

We both heard the nurse, because our heads went to the door, as we heard the locks. She walked in with a tray, that had the pills i requested on the tray, along with a glass of water.

Harry looked at me weird. I walked over to the nurse, and handed her the money. She put it in her pocket, and nodded.

"Louis what's going on?" He asked, furrowing his eyebrows. "I'm gonna help you." I replied. The nurse walked over to him, and set the tray of white pills on the floor.

She put 2 pills in her hand, with the water in there other, as she bent down on from of Harry. "Open up." She demanded.

Harry shook his head. "What are these?" "Harry just-" the nurse started, but Harry cut her off, "I'm not putting suspicious white pills into my body, until I know what they are for." He stated, louder than usual.

Harry looked at me. I was standing by the door. "They will help you." I spoke. "How do I know you're not trying to kill me?" "Harry, why would I try to kill you, I saved your life moments ago!" I yelled.

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